Brain scans

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Detects biochemical changes in brain
Disadvantages Only shows activity in the cerebral cortex High X-ray dose Difficult for people with claustrophobia. Difficult for people with claustrophobia.
Some uses
Detection of brain injuries and skull fractures Identify structures e.g. brain tumours, demyelinating nerve fibres, aneurysm
Imaging tumours
Drag the Statements:
  • Scalp electrodes detect voltage fluctuations
  • X-rays show internal structure in slices, from any angle
  • Strong magnetic field and a radio wave pulse. Protons in water give coloured 3D map of cortex
  • A strong magnetic field and a radio wave pulse show flow of oxygenated blood
  • FDG metabolism shows areas of glucose use
  • Silent, non-invasive, does not use ionising radiation
  • High resolution of bone, soft tissues and blood vessels at the same time
  • Detailed anatomical image without using ionising radiation
  • Assesses structure and functioning of e.g. the brain from second to second
  • Exposure to γ-radiation
  • Diagnosis of epilepsy
  • Study brain function in real time

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