
How is a film budget spent?

Show the trailer for one of the films on the budget list: Jurassic World/Furious 7/Avengers: Age of Ultron. While watching, ask students to make notes of everything that they think costs money.
Range of features might include: stars, CGI, settings, locations, cast, props, stunts, explosions, range of camera shots [aerial, tracking, crane etc.], script/dialogue, music. The three films can be considered as the high-budget, studio, blockbuster films referred to earlier and the trailers showcase the visual spectacle that they can afford to offer mainstream audiences.
The pleasures offered tend to be escapist as a cinematic experience is promised which aims to draw people into cinemas. In their notes students might suggest features that belong to the pre-production stage/the production stage and the post-production stage of film making which can be explored explicitly.

How is a film’s budget spent? Watch one of these trailers and then use the printable resource to make a note of everything that costs money.

Jurassic World

Furious 7

Avengers: Age of Ultron