Media Series - TV
Target Audience

Media audiences – Page 3

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Then compare to the suggested answers.

Who is the target audience for ‘The Jinx’’? Justify your response

  • Primary Target Audience – fans of true crime (mainly female) - and HBO - mainstream audience. 15+ (8pmTV slot).
  • Cross-gender and age appeal through hybrid generic elements in the text (true crime, thriller, reality TV)
  • Secondary audience - fans of Kirsten Dunst/Ryan Gosling who might have seen “All Good Things” and been hooked by the story
  • The documentary viewer – those who like the notion of finding out the truth
  • Experiencers may enjoy the vicarious tension of Durst’s guilt or innocence
  • Tertiary audience – the box-set viewer- attracted by the marketing and publicity to a genre they may not normally watch
  • Inherited fan bases – from Jarecki e.g. ‘Capturing the Friedmans’; from HBO “The Walking Dead”, “Breaking Bad”

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