Media Studies - Hollywood Film
Unit 1 - Job descriptions


Match the following job titles with their description and then match up their interest in the production of a film.

Job title


Vested interest

  • Exhibitor
  • Distributor
  • Filmmaker
  • Producer
  • This organisation could be a chain of cinemas or a streaming service that screen a film for public consumption.
  • This element of the film industry involves purchasing the rights for a film and then ensuring that the film is released in cinemas or other platforms.
  • This person is involved with the creative craft of putting the film together.
  • This person finances the film and initialises manufacture, overseeing the production.
  • This person wants to show films that people will purchase tickets to see in their cinemas.
  • This person wants to purchase the rights for films that will find an audience and be easy to market.
  • Wants to make a film that is watched and enjoyed by audiences.
  • This person will want a return on their investment. This means minimising risks by keeping costs low and funding films that could be profitable.

Hints: Maecenas placerat, dolor vel fringilla fermentum, nisl justo hendrerit arcu, nec fermentum leo justo varius lorem. Vestibulum convallis euismod dui eu feugiat. Vestibulum massa magna, luctus at arcu eu, commodo consequat lacus. Aenean scelerisque felis vitae pellentesque iaculis.