Expected patterns of growth and development – emotional

Patrymau disgwyliedig tyfu a datblygu – emosiynol

Group of young children smiling and having fun

Emotional development includes:

  • bonding
  • attachment
  • self-esteem
  • self-confidence
  • development of feelings
  • attachments and independence.

Mae datblygiad emosiynol yn cynnwys:

  • bondio
  • ymlyniad
  • hunan-barch
  • hunanhyder
  • datblygu teimladau
  • ymlyniadau ac annibyniaeth.

Expected patterns of development - Emotional 0 - 19 years

Drag the patterns of development to the correct age.

Patrymau datblygu disgwyliedig – Emosiynol 0 - 19 oed

Llusgwch y patrymau datblygu at yr oedran cywir.



Patterns of development

Patrymau datblygu

Correct answers

Atebion cywir



        Mother and young baby bonding

        Bonding is the intense attachment that develops between parents and their baby. It makes parents want to shower their baby with love and affection and to protect and care for their little one.

        It is a mother’s feeling of unconditional love for her new born child. For some women it can happen instantly, while for others it can take some time to feel that bond. Post-natal depression can affect how a mother bonds with her baby.

        Experts say that early bonding between a parent and baby influences the baby’s response to stress, learning behaviours and social skills.

        Bondio yw'r ymlyniad dwys sy'n datblygu rhwng rhieni a'u baban. Mae'n gwneud i rieni fod am lwytho eu baban â chariad ac anwyldeb a diogelu a gofalu am yr un bach neu'r un fach.

        Mae a wnelo â theimlad o gariad diamod mam tuag at ei baban newydd. I rai menywod gall ddigwydd yn syth, ond gall gymryd peth amser i deimlo'r bond hwnnw yn achos eraill. Gall iselder ôl-enedigol effeithio ar y ffordd mae mam yn bondio â'i baban.

        Dywed arbenigwyr fod bond cynnar rhwng rhiant a baban yn dylanwadu ar ymateb y baban i straen, ymddygiadau dysgu a sgiliau cymdeithasol.



        Mother lifting young baby

        A baby’s attachment to its mother begins immediately after birth as it responds to the love and attention it receives.

        Babies need warmth, cuddles, play, rest and food to build an emotionally strong attachment which will benefit them in later life.

        A secure attachment provides a baby with the best foundation for life; an eagerness to learn, a healthy self-awareness, trust, and consideration for others.

        An insecure attachment fails to meet an infant’s need for safety and understanding, and can lead to confusion about their own identity and difficulties in learning and relating to others in later life.

        Mae ymlyniad baban i'w fam yn dechrau yn syth ar ôl ei eni wrth iddo ymateb i'r cariad a'r sylw a gaiff.

        Mae angen i fabanod gael cynhesrwydd, cael eu hanwesu, gorffwys a chael bwyd er mwyn meithrin ymlyniad emosiynol gryf a fydd o fudd iddynt yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd.

        Ymlyniad cadarn sy'n rhoi'r dechrau gorau mewn bywyd i faban; parodrwydd i ddysgu, hunanymwybyddiaeth iach, ymddiriedaeth, ac ystyriaeth o eraill.

        Ni fydd ymlyniad gwan yn diwallu angen baban am ddiogelwch a dealltwriaeth, a gall arwain at ddryswch ynghylch ei hunaniaeth ac anawsterau i ddysgu ac ymgysylltu ag eraill yn ddiweddarach mewn bywyd.



        A happy face in a crowd of sad faces

        Self-esteem is how an individual thinks of themselves.

        Individuals with a high self-esteem:

        • like themselves, but recognise that there are things that they could work on and improve
        • think of themselves as worthy of love and form healthy relationships
        • have the resilience to work through problems
        • are less likely to have social and emotional problems
        • are more likely to take care of their health and well-being.

        Individuals with low self-esteem may:

        • dislike themselves
        • feel that they are not good enough
        • feel unable to assert themselves
        • feel that no one likes them
        • blame themselves for things that aren’t their fault
        • be unable to recognise their strengths
        • feel undeserving of happiness
        • have no self-confidence.

        Hunan-barch yw'r ffordd mae unigolyn yn meddwl amdano'i hun.

        Mae unigolion â hunan-barch uchel:

        • yn hoffi eu hunain, ond yn cydnabod bod yna bethau y gallent weithio arnynt a'u gwella
        • o'r farn eu bod yn haeddu cariad a chydberthnasau iach
        • yn meddu ar y gwydnwch i ddatrys problemau
        • yn llai tebygol o wynebu problemau cymdeithasol ac emosiynol
        • yn fwy tebygol o ofalu am eu hiechyd a'u lles.

        Gall unigolion â hunan-barch isel:

        • gasáu eu hunain
        • teimlo nad ydynt yn ddigon da
        • methu â gwthio'u hunain
        • teimlo nad oes neb yn eu hoffi
        • beio eu hunain am bethau lle nad eu bai nhw ydyw
        • methu ag adnabod eu cryfderau
        • teimlo nad ydynt yn haeddu bod yn hapus
        • bod heb unrhyw hunanhyder.



        MMA fighter raising her glove in victory

        Self-confident individuals trust in themselves and their abilities. They may be self-confident in certain areas of their life, but insecure in others. For instance, they may struggle with sports but they may have self-confidence in their mathematical abilities.

        Self-confidence and self-esteem do not necessarily go hand in hand. For instance, a musician may feel self-confident when performing in front of thousands of individuals, but because of low self-esteem may harm themselves with drugs and alcohol.

        Mae unigolion â hunanhyder yn ymddiried ynddynt eu hunain a'u galluoedd. Gallant fod yn hunanhyderus mewn rhai agweddau ar eu bywyd, ond yn ansicr mewn eraill. Er enghraifft, gallant gael chwaraeon yn anodd ond efallai y byddant yn hunanhyderus o ran eu gallu mathemategol.

        Nid yw hunanhyder a hunan-barch yn mynd law yn llaw o reidrwydd. Er enghraifft, gall cerddor deimlo'n hunanhyderus wrth berfformio o flaen miloedd o unigolion, ond oherwydd hunan-barch isel gall fod yn niweidio'i hun â chyffuriau ac alcohol.



        Children playing in fancy dress

        Children need to be supported in managing their feelings. Feelings of anger, frustration, disappointment, sadness, shame and embarrassment can feel overwhelming for a small child.

        Learning that these emotions are normal and how to cope with them in a positive way, helps a child to grow into an emotionally stable individual and to understand others' feelings.

        Pretend play helps children develop and understand their own and others' feelings and helps them learn how to control those feelings.

        Mae angen i blant gael eu cefnogi i reoli eu teimladau. Gall teimlo dicter, rhwystredigaeth, siomedigaeth, tristwch, cywilydd ac embaras lethu plentyn bach.

        Drwy ddysgu bod yr emosiynau hyn yn normal a dysgu sut i ymdopi â nhw mewn ffordd gadarnhaol gall plentyn dyfu i fod yn unigolyn sefydlog yn emosiynol a deall teimladau unigolion eraill.

        Mae chwarae dychmygu yn helpu plant i ddatblygu a deall eu teimladau nhw a theimladau unigolion eraill, ac mae'n eu helpu i ddysgu sut i reoli'r teimladau hynny.

        Attachment and independence

        Ymlyniadau ac annibyniaeth

        Child dressing themselves

        Studies suggest that children need to feel deeply attached to their parents to grow into successfully independent human beings.

        If children feel that they can rely on their parents for love and support if things go wrong they are more likely to feel confident to try new things for themselves.

        Independence is about learning to do things for themselves and take responsibility for their actions.

        Children will need boundaries as they explore their independence and develop relationships. They will also need to know how to stay safe.

        Adults can help develop independence in children by allowing them to do things for themselves such as putting on their coat, even if it does take longer.

        Children should also be allowed to make choices about what they are going to play with or wear. This is most effective if they are given two or three specific choices rather than allowing them to choose anything.

        Mae astudiaethau'n awgrymu bod angen i blant feithrin ymlyniad dwfn â'u rhieni er mwyn tyfu'n unigolion annibynnol llwyddiannus.

        Os yw plant yn teimlo y gallant ddibynnu ar eu rhieni am gariad a chymorth os aiff pethau o chwith maent yn fwy tebygol o deimlo'n hyderus i roi cynnig ar bethau newydd drostynt eu hunain.

        Mae a wnelo annibyniaeth â dysgu sut i wneud pethau drostynt eu hunain a chymryd cyfrifoldeb am eu gweithredoedd.

        Bydd angen i blant gael ffiniau wrth iddynt archwilio eu hannibyniaeth a meithrin cydberthnasau. Bydd hefyd angen iddynt wybod sut i aros yn ddiogel.

        Gall oedolion helpu i greu plant annibynnol drwy ganiatáu iddynt wneud pethau drostynt eu hunain, fel gwisgo côt, hyd yn oed os yw'n cymryd mwy o amser.

        Dylai plant hefyd gael dewis o ran yr hyn maent yn mynd i chwarae gydag ef neu'r hyn maent yn mynd i'w wisgo. Mae hyn fwyaf effeithiol os cânt ddau neu dri dewis penodol, yn hytrach na gadael iddynt ddewis unrhyw beth.

        Loss of independence

        Colli annibyniaeth

        Child dressing themselves

        Loss of independence happens when an individual is no longer able to carry out day-to-day tasks without help and support.

        This can happen through a decline in health and physical ability or due to an accident.

        It can lead the individual to feel frustrated, useless and isolated. They may find going out to visit friends more difficult, leading to the loss of friendships and feelings of loneliness.

        An individual can feel angry at being unable to carry out daily tasks and can take that anger out on the individuals that help them.

        They can also feel confused about needing help and spend a lot of time talking about and longing for their past.

        Collir annibyniaeth pan na fydd unigolyn yn gallu cyflawni tasgau bob dydd mwyach heb gymorth a chefnogaeth.

        Gall hyn ddigwydd am fod ei iechyd a'i allu corfforol yn dirywio neu oherwydd damwain.

        Gall wneud i'r unigolyn deimlo'n rhwystredig, yn dda i ddim ac yn ynysig. Gall fod yn fwy anodd iddo fynd allan i weld ffrindiau, gan arwain at golli'r ffrindiau hynny a theimlo'n unig.

        Gall unigolyn deimlo'n ddig na all gyflawni tasgau bob dydd a throi ar yr unigolion sy'n ei helpu.

        Gall hefyd deimlo'n ddryslyd am fod angen help a threulio llawer o amser yn siarad ac yn dyheu am ei orffennol.

        Complete the following emotions

        Cwblhewch yr emosiynau canlynol