Factors affecting growth, development and well-being - environmental

A number of environmental factors can affect development, health and well-being.

Housing conditions

Ffactorau sy'n effeithio ar dwf, datblygiad a llesiant – amgylcheddol

Gall nifer o ffactorau amgylcheddol effeithio ar ddatblygiad, iechyd a llesiant.

Cyflwr tai

Sterling notes and coins

Housing is a major element in an individual’s living standards. Access to housing that is weatherproof, warm and gives those living there a feeling of safety, privacy and personal space, will have a positive impact on their health and well-being.

Poor quality housing can lead to poor mental health and domestic violence. Children can feel anxious and it can also lead to social isolation as individuals feel unable to invite others into their home.

Poor housing conditions can lead to poor life chances for children due to lack of facilities in the area such as good schools, social spaces and access to good healthcare.

Homeless individuals and those that fear their communities often feel isolated. Many parents are in despair and worry due to homelessness. The children never know where they will be moved to next and this causes anxiety, depression, and behavioural problems. They may also experience hyperactivity, aggression, bedwetting and soiling.

Children living in cramped temporary accommodation are affected by:

  • disturbed sleep
  • poor diet
  • accidents
  • infectious disease.

Their education can suffer as they do not have the space and privacy they need to do homework and play.

Children experiencing homelessness or poor housing during their formative years often spend the rest of their lives struggling to catch up. Research shows that those who suffer bad housing have an increased risk of homelessness in adulthood.

Mae tai yn elfen bwysig o safonau byw unigolion. Bydd tai sych a chynnes sy'n cynnig diogelwch, preifatrwydd a gofod personol i'r sawl sy'n byw yno yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar eu hiechyd a'u lles.

Gall tai o ansawdd gwael arwain at iechyd meddwl gwael a thrais domestig. Gall plant deimlo'n orbryderus a gall hefyd arwain at ynysu cymdeithasol gan nad yw unigolion yn teimlo y gallant wahodd eraill i'w cartref.

Gall cyflwr tai gwael olygu bod plant yn cael llai o gyfleoedd mewn bywyd am fod diffyg cyfleusterau yn yr ardal fel ysgolion da, ardaloedd cymdeithasol a mynediad i ofal iechyd da.

Mae unigolion ddigartref a'r rheini sy'n ofni eu cymunedau yn aml yn teimlo'n ynysig. Mae llawer o rieni yn byw mewn gofid oherwydd digartrefedd. Nid yw'r plant byth yn gwybod i ble y cânt eu symud nesaf, sy'n achosi gorbryder, iselder a chamymddwyn. Gallant hefyd brofi gorfywiogrwydd, natur ymosodol, gwlychu'r gwely a baeddu.

Mae'r canlynol yn effeithio ar blant sy'n byw mewn llety dros dro cyfyng:

  • problemau cysgu
  • deiet gwael
  • damweiniau
  • clefydau heintus.

Gall eu haddysg ddioddef am nad oes ganddynt y lle na'r preifatrwydd i wneud gwaith cartref a chwarae.

Bydd plant sy'n profi digartrefedd neu dai gwael yn ystod eu blynyddoedd ffurfiannol yn aml yn treulio gweddill eu bywydau yn ceisio dal i fyny. Dengys ymchwil fod y rheini sy'n dioddef tai gwael yn wynebu mwy o risg o fod yn ddigartref fel oedolyn.

Factors affecting growth, development and well-being - environmental

Availability of health and social care and childcare services

Ffactorau sy'n effeithio ar dwf, datblygiad a llesiant – amgylcheddol

Argaeledd gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, a gwasanaethau plant

Abandoned terraced houses with metal shutters

Individuals use health and social care services throughout their lives. The needs of an individual vary according to their life stage and the type of conditions they may have. Even a healthy individual will need to use the services for immunisation and education.

Health and social care services support individuals from conception to the end of their life. A healthy mother will have a healthy child; a healthy child will become a healthy adult. If individuals are healthy, then resources can be used for those who are unfortunate to be ill, need looking after whether short, or long term.

Health services help individuals to be free from illness, injury and pain so that they can carry on with their normal life. It is also important for health services to prevent health problems and encourage healthy lifestyles.

Social care services aim to improve an individual’s quality of life and help them reach their potential. They do this by helping with daily living, listening, encouraging social interaction and providing stimulating activities.

Effective health and social care can improve health and well-being by:

  • promoting healthy living through diet and exercise advice and access to counselling services
  • providing protection to those at risk such as childhood vaccination programmes and the flu jab for the elderly
  • identifying and treating individuals with no symptoms before a clinical illness develops through screening programmes
  • identifying those at risk of harm and working with families to address issues
  • providing effective support to vulnerable elderly individuals ensuring that they receive the medical and social support they need
  • providing effective support to individuals with physical, mental and learning disabilities
  • identifying and supporting individuals with mental health, alcohol or drug problems
  • provide opportunities for learning through play for young children.

Mae unigolion yn defnyddio gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol drwy gydol eu hoes. Mae anghenion unigolyn yn amrywio yn dibynnu ar ei gyfnod mewn bywyd a'r math o gyflyrau a all fod ganddo. Bydd angen i hyd yn oed unigolyn iach ddefnyddio'r gwasanaethau at ddibenion imiwneiddio ac addysg.

Mae gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn cefnogi unigolion o'u geni i ddiwedd eu bywydau. Bydd gan fam iach blentyn iach; bydd plentyn iach yn dod yn oedolyn iach. Os yw unigolion yn iach, yna gellir defnyddio adnoddau ar gyfer y rheini sy'n mynd yn sâl, ac sydd angen gofal, yn y byrdymor neu'r hirdymor.

Mae gwasanaethau iechyd yn helpu unigolion i fod yn rhydd rhag salwch, anaf a phoen, fel eu bod yn gallu parhau i fyw bywyd normal. Mae hefyd yn bwysig i wasanaethau iechyd atal problemau iechyd ac annog ffyrdd o fyw iach.

Nod gwasanaethau gofal cymdeithasol yw gwella ansawdd bywyd unigolyn a'i helpu i gyrraedd ei botensial. Maent yn gwneud hyn drwy helpu gyda byw beunyddiol, gwrando, annog rhyngweithio cymdeithasol a darparu gweithgareddau ysgogol.

Gall iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol effeithiol wella iechyd a lles drwy:

  • hybu byw'n iach drwy gyngor ar ddeiet ac ymarfer corff a mynediad i wasanaethau cwnsela
  • amddiffyn y rheini sy'n wynebu risg fel rhaglenni brechu plant a brechiad ffliw i'r henoed
  • nodi a thrin unigolion heb unrhyw symptomau cyn i salwch clinigol ddatblygu drwy raglenni sgrinio
  • nodi'r rheini sydd mewn perygl o niwed a gweithio gyda theuluoedd er mwyn mynd i'r afael â materion
  • darparu cymorth effeithiol i unigolion oedrannus agored i niwed gan sicrhau eu bod yn cael y cymorth meddygol a chymdeithasol sydd ei angen arnynt
  • rhoi cymorth effeithiol i unigolion ag anableddau corfforol, meddyliol a dysgu
  • nodi a chynorthwyo unigolion â phroblemau iechyd meddwl, alcohol neu gyffuriau
  • darparu cyfleoedd i ddysgu drwy chwarae i blant bach.

Factors affecting growth, development and well-being - environmental

Barriers to accessing services

Ffactorau sy'n effeithio ar dwf, datblygiad a llesiant – amgylcheddol

Rhwystrau i gael gafael ar wasanaethau

Doctor taking senior man's blood pressure

Individuals may face more than one barrier to accessing services.

Physical barriers

These are objects that prevent an individual from getting where they must go e.g. a wheelchair user is unable to enter a building because the doorway is too narrow or there are steps so they can’t get to the entrance.

Psychological barriers

This barrier affects the way an individual thinks about a service, for example, it may be they have a fear of the dentist. If an individual feels unwell but they are worried about finding out what is wrong, they may not seek help from their GP.

Financial barriers

If the health, social care or childcare service the individual is trying to access is some distance away they may not be able to afford the transport costs to get there.

Geographical barriers

Some individuals live near health, social care and childcare services and others may live some distance away. For those individuals who do not live near the services they may find that the buses in the area do not run at a convenient time to get to an appointment. A patient may need to have specialist treatment which is many miles away and finds it difficult to get there. Some individuals may find that due to their mobility problem they cannot walk a short distance to the health, social care and childcare services.

Cultural and language barriers

If the information (signs, leaflets, posters) about health, social care and childcare services is in English only then those with a different first language will not be able to find out about the service. If the information uses specialist language the individual may not understand it. They may become anxious or worried about the service.

Resource barriers

Sometimes the health, social care and childcare services an individual needs to access may not be available due to staff shortages or a lack of money for the service. If there is a large demand for a service then individuals may have to wait until there is sufficient money to pay for all those that need the service.

Gall unigolion wynebu mwy nag un rhwystr i gael gafael ar wasanaethau.

Rhwystrau corfforol

Gwrthrychau yw'r rhain sy'n atal unigolyn rhag mynd o un lle i'r llall e.e. ni all defnyddiwr cadair olwyn fynd i mewn i adeilad am fod y drws yn rhy gul neu mae grisiau felly ni allant gyrraedd y fynedfa.

Rhwystrau seicolegol

Mae'r rhwystr hwn yn effeithio ar y ffordd mae unigolyn yn meddwl am wasanaeth, er enghraifft efallai y bydd yn ofni'r deintydd. Os bydd unigolyn yn teimlo'n sâl ond ei fod yn ofni clywed beth sydd o'i le, efallai na aiff i weld ei feddyg teulu.

Rhwystrau ariannol

Os bydd y gwasanaeth iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol neu ofal plant mae'r unigolyn yn ceisio cael gafael arno gryn bellter i ffwrdd efallai na fydd yn gallu fforddio'r costau teithio i gyrraedd yno.

Rhwystrau daearyddol

Mae rhai unigolion yn byw ger gwasanaethau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a gofal plant, a gall eraill fyw gryn bellter i ffwrdd. Yn achos unigolion nad ydynt yn byw ger y gwasanaethau efallai na fydd y bysiau yn yr ardal ar gael ar adeg gyfleus i gyrraedd apwyntiad.Efallai y bydd angen i glaf gael triniaeth arbenigol sydd sawl milltir i ffwrdd a'i bod hi'n anodd cyrraedd yno. Gall fod gan rai unigolion broblem symudedd sy'n golygu na allant gerdded pellter byr i'r gwasanaethau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a gofal plant.

Rhwystrau diwylliannol ac iaith

Os yw'r wybodaeth (arwyddion, taflenni, posteri) am wasanaethau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a gofal plant yn Gymraeg neu Saesneg yn unig yna ni fydd modd i'r rheini ag iaith gyntaf wahanol ddysgu am y gwasanaeth. Os yw'r wybodaeth yn cynnwys iaith arbenigol efallai na fydd yr unigolyn yn ei deall.Gall fynd yn orbryderus neu boeni am y gwasanaeth.

Rhwystrau o ran adnoddau

Weithiau efallai na fydd y gwasanaethau iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a gofal plant sydd eu hangen ar unigolyn ar gael oherwydd prinder staff neu arian. Os oes galw mawr am wasanaeth efallai y bydd angen i unigolion aros nes bod digon o arian ar gael i dalu am bawb sydd angen y gwasanaeth.

Factors affecting growth, development and well-being - environmental

Air pollution

Ffactorau sy'n effeithio ar dwf, datblygiad a llesiant – amgylcheddol

Llygredd aer

Commuter on a bike wearing a pollution mask

Air quality significantly affects the lives of individuals. Individuals living in a pollution-free environment enjoy a better quality of life.

Air pollution causes around seven million deaths a year worldwide. Growth of the population in cities, as well as the rise in car usage result in the emissions that are harmful to our health.

Our health and well-being is affected differently by the kind of air pollution we are exposed to.

Air pollution can cause:

  • respiratory diseases
  • cardiovascular disease
  • fatigue, headaches and anxiety
  • irritation of the eyes, nose and throat
  • damage to reproductive organs
  • harm to the liver, spleen and blood
  • nervous system damage.

Individuals who live in towns and cities are more likely to suffer the effects of air pollution.

Individuals who are already ill are particularly vulnerable, as are children and the elderly.

Mae llygredd aer yn cael effaith sylweddol ar fywydau unigolion. Mae unigolion sy'n byw mewn amgylchedd di-lygredd yn mwynhau gwell ansawdd bywyd.

Mae llygredd aer yn achosi tua saith miliwn o farwolaethau bob blwyddyn ledled y byd. Mae twf y boblogaeth mewn dinasoedd, a'r cynnydd yn y defnydd o geir, yn creu'r allyriadau sy'n niweidiol i'n hiechyd.

Mae'r math o lygredd aer y down i gysylltiad ag ef yn cael effaith wahanol ar ein hiechyd a'n lles.

Gall llygredd aer achosi:

  • clefydau anadlol
  • clefyd cardiofasgwlar
  • blinder, cur pen a gorbryder
  • cosi o ran y llygaid, trwyn a gwddf
  • niwed i'r organau atgenhedlu
  • niwed i'r afu, dueg a gwaed
  • niwed i'r system nerfol.

Mae unigolion sy'n byw mewn trefi a dinasoedd yn fwy tebygol o ddioddef effeithiau llygredd aer.

Mae unigolion sydd eisoes yn sâl yn hynod agored i niwed, fel mae plant a'r henoed.