What to think about when supporting individuals to take positive risks

Yr hyn y dylid ei ystyried wrth gynorthwyo unigolion i gymryd risgiau cadarnhaol

A girl playing Jenga

For many individuals taking risks is a part of everyday life. However, individuals with a disability, mental health illness and older individuals for example, are not always encouraged to take risks. This might be because of their perceived limitations or fear that they or others might be harmed. Changes in society’s attitude towards disability, social care and health issues now means that individuals are being encouraged to increase their independence in their daily activities and decisions about the services they receive. The focus is now more on enhancing individuals’ abilities rather than concentrating on their disabilities and the things they cannot do.

I lawer o unigolion, mae cymryd risgiau yn rhan o fywyd bob dydd. Fodd bynnag, ni chaiff unigolion ag anabledd neu salwch meddwl, neu unigolion hŷn er enghraifft, eu hannog i gymryd risgiau bob amser. Gallai hyn fod oherwydd eu cyfyngiadau canfyddedig, neu oherwydd ofn y gallen nhw neu bobl eraill gael niwed. Mae newidiadau yn agwedd cymdeithas tuag at anabledd, gofal cymdeithasol a phroblemau iechyd bellach yn golygu bod unigolion yn cael eu hannog i fod yn fwy annibynnol yn eu gweithgareddau pob dydd ac mewn penderfyniadau ynglŷn â'r gwasanaethau a ddarperir iddynt. Rhoddir mwy o ffocws bellach ar wella galluoedd unigolion yn hytrach na chanolbwyntio ar eu hanableddau a'r pethau na allant eu gwneud.

Minimising risk

Lleihau risgiau cymaint â phosibl

A dial measuring the level of risk

Risk can be reduced by the support of others, but, in promoting independence, responsibility for taking risks must be a balance between safeguarding an individual from harm and enabling them to lead a more independent life where they effectively manage risks themselves. A balance has to be achieved between the wishes of individuals to do everyday activities between the duty of care of services and to individuals accessing services, and the legal duties of statutory services.

As well as thinking about the dangers associated with risk, the benefits of risk-taking have to be identified. This should involve everyone affected, individuals accessing services, their families and carers.

A dial measuring the level of risk

Gellir lleihau risg drwy gael cymorth gan bobl eraill ond, wrth hybu annibyniaeth, rhaid i gyfrifoldeb unigolion dros gymryd risgiau daro cydbwysedd rhwng diogelu unigolyn rhag niwed a'i alluogi i fyw bywyd mwy annibynnol lle y bydd yn rheoli risgiau ar ei ben ei hun. Rhaid taro cydbwysedd rhwng dymuniadau unigolion i wneud gweithgareddau pob dydd, dyletswydd gofal gwasanaethau i unigolion sy'n eu defnyddio, a dyletswyddau cyfreithiol gwasanaethau statudol.

Yn ogystal â meddwl am y peryglon sy'n gysylltiedig â risg, rhaid nodi manteision cymryd risgiau. Dylai hyn gynnwys pawb yr effeithir arnynt, unigolion sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau, eu teuluoedd a'u gofalwyr.

Minimising risk

Lleihau risgiau cymaint â phosibl

Using the risk assessment form you have developed, carry out a short risk assessment of a hazard you have identified in your workplace, or out in the community. Record your findings.

Gan ddefnyddio'r asesiad risg a luniwyd gennych, cynhaliwch asesiad risg byr o berygl a nodir gennych yn eich gweithle neu yn y gymuned. Cofnodwch eich canfyddiadau.