Communication and language needs, wishes and preferences

Anghenion, dymuniadau a dewisiadau cyfathrebu


Only about ten per cent of our communication is actually spoken, and through this two-way process of communication, health and social care workers are able to work with individuals and their families in order to ascertain what their needs are and what can be put in place to support them.

It is important that during this process that the individual is allowed to speak freely and not overly questioned as this can be overwhelming. Health and social care workers need to adapt their communication styles and techniques in order to ascertain information without putting the individuals under stress.

When aiming to discover how an individual wishes to communicate, it is important to choose the right moment and the right place. If something needs to be discussed in private with an individual, it is vital to ensure that the choice of venue is private and that no one feels uncomfortable about the possibility of being overheard.

Whilst friends and family can be helpful in this process, sometimes advocacy services are requested to help.

Dim ond tua deg y cant o'n cyfathrebu sydd ar lafar mewn gwirionedd, a thrwy’r broses gyfathrebu ddwyffordd hon bydd hyn yn galluogi gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol i weithio gyda unigolion a’u teuluoedd i ffurfio cydberthnasau a nodi eu hanghenion a’r hyn sydd angen ei wneud i’w cefnogi.

Yn ystod y broses hon, mae’n bwysig gadael i’r unigolion siarad heb gwestiynu gormod arnynt. Gall hyn eu llorio. Mae’n rhaid i weithiwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ystyried y gwahanol dechnegau y gellid eu defnyddio i gasglu gwybodaeth yn gywir ac yn effeithiol heb beri gormod o ofid i’r unigolion.

Wrth gael gwybod sut mae unigolyn yn dymuno cyfathrebu, mae'n bwysig dewis yr adeg gywir a'r lle cywir. Os oes angen trafod rhywbeth yn gyfrinachol ag unigolyn, mae'n hollbwysig sicrhau bod lleoliad preifat yn cael ei ddewis ac nad oes unrhyw un yn teimlo'n anghyfforddus ynglŷn â'r posibilrwydd y bydd rhywun arall yn clywed.

Er y gall ffrindiau a theulu fod yn gymorth yn y broses hon, ar adegau gall gwasanaethau eiriolaeth gael eu galw i helpu mewn rhai achosion.

How to find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences

Sut i ddysgu beth yw anghenion, dymuniadau a dewisiadau cyfathrebu ac iaith unigolyn

Think about different types of communication methods that could be used with people with all different communication needs.

What methods could be used?

Meddyliwch am y dulliau cyfathrebu gwahanol y gellid eu defnyddio gyda phobl sydd ag anghenion cyfathrebu gwahanol.

Pa ddulliau y gellid eu defnyddio?

Suggested response: Written, verbal, pictures, videos, braille, computer, objects of reference e.g. pointing to a teapot to mean would you like tea.

Ymateb awgrymedig: Ysgrifenedig, llafar, lluniau, fideos, Braille, cyfrifiadur, gwrthrychau cyfeirio e.e. pwyntio at debot er mwyn cyfleu yr hoffech gael paned.