Barriers to good communication

Rhwystrau rhag cyfathrebu da

Happy children

Whichever way we choose to communicate, we must try to ensure that children and young people who are receiving information can fully understand the information and make appropriate responses demonstrating their understanding. There may be times when a message is misinterpreted because barriers to the communication process have not been addressed. These barriers might include:

  • environmental
  • language
  • sensory loss
  • cultural.

At times, communication barriers can be created because children and young people misunderstand or misinterpret messages as they are not confident using different methods of communication. This may be because they haven’t been given the opportunity or due to their age and stage of development. For example, it can be easy to misinterpret a letter, telephone call, text message or email as these types of communication don’t contain any body language to support and reinforce them. Being able to communicate face to face can provide visual clues of what information is being communicated.

Sut bynnag y byddwn yn dewis cyfathrebu, rhaid i ni geisio sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc sy'n derbyn gwybodaeth yn gallu ei deall yn llawn ac ymateb iddo gan ddangos eu dealltwriaeth. Gall fod adegau pan gaiff neges ei chamddehongli am nad ymdriniwyd â rhwystrau sy'n effeithio ar y broses gyfathrebu. Gallai'r rhwystrau hyn gynnwys:

  • amgylcheddol
  • iaith
  • colli synhwyrau
  • diwylliannol.

Ar adegau, gall rhwystrau rhag cyfathrebu cael eu creu pan fydd plant a phobl ifanc yn camddeall neu gamddehongli negeseuon gan nad ydynt yn ddigon hyderus i ddefnyddio dulliau gwahanol o gyfathrebu. Gall hyn fod oherwydd nad ydynt wedi cael y cyfle neu oherwydd camau eu datblygiad.

Er enghraifft, gall fod yn hawdd camddehongli llythyr, galwad ffôn, neges destun neu e-bost am nad yw'r dulliau cyfathrebu hyn yn cynnwys unrhyw iaith y corff i'w ategu a'u hatgyfnerthu. Mae cyfathrebu wyneb yn wyneb yn cynnig cliwiau gweledol o’r gwybodaeth sy’n cael ei gyfathrebu.

Environmental barriers

Rhwystrau amgylcheddol

Children playing

A health and social care environment can be noisy, distracting and confusing at times. It is important that health and social care workers recognise this and reduce any background noise to a minimum.

How often are children and young people spoken to in a room full of other very noisy children and young people, for example? Consider the effect you think this will have on their ability to concentrate or converse with others.

Arrangements should be made to have quieter spaces to promote effective communication when necessary. It is also important that the worker ensures that the environment is freely accessible, and that the setting up of play areas encourages children and young people to interact with each other. This will not only encourage conversation between carers and children and young people but will also enable them to socialise with others.

Fe all amgylchedd iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol fod yn swnllyd, dryslyd a gall fod yn anodd canolbwyntio ynddo. Mae'n bwysig i weithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol wybod hyn a gweithio i leihau unrhyw sŵn cefndir cymaint â phosibl.

Pa mor aml y bydd plant a phobl ifanc mewn ystafell gyda phlant a phobl ifanc swnllyd iawn tra bod rhywun yn ceisio siarad â nhw, er enghraifft? Ystyriwch yr effaith all hyn gael ar eu gallu i ganolbwyntio ar sgwrs ag eraill.

Dylai bod mannau tawelach ar gael ble bo angen er mwyn hyrwyddo cyfathrebu effeithiol.

Mae hefyd yn bwysig bod y gweithiwr yn sicrhau bod yr amgylchedd gofal yn hygyrch, a bod gosodiad yr ardaloedd chwarae yn annog plant a phobl ifanc i ryngweithio gyda’i gilydd. Bydd hyn nid yn unig yn annog sgwrsio rhwng gofalwyr a phlant a phobl ifanc, bydd hefyd yn eu hannog i gymdeithasu gyda’i gilydd.

Language and cultural barriers

Rhwystrau ieithyddol a diwylliannol

Language and cultural behaviours that may hinder the communication process:

Ymddygiadau ieithyddol a diwylliannol a all lesteirio'r broses gyfathrebu:

Language and cultural barriers

Rhwystrau ieithyddol a diwylliannol

Think about a time when you were on holiday or speaking to a person whose first language was not English.

How did you feel?

What changes did you make to your method of communication?

Meddyliwch am adeg pan oeddech ar eich gwyliau neu'n siarad â rhywun nad Cymraeg na Saesneg yw ei iaith gyntaf.

Sut roeddech chi’n teimlo?

Pa newidiadau a wnaethoch i'ch dull cyfathrebu?

Sensory impairment

Nam ar y synhwyrau

Hearing test

Health and social care workers can assist children and young people who have visual impairment by making sure that their eyesight is tested regularly.

They can assist in supporting the child or young person and their parents and carers to be able to make and attend appointments, ensuring that their spectacles are clean and worn properly, and that their possessions are kept in the same, familiar place.

A worker could also learn the correct way to guide and assist a partially sighted child or young person while they are walking and find out what visual aids are available.

Workers can support children and young people with hearing impairment by making sure their hearing is tested regularly, that their hearing aid is clean and worn properly, and that the battery is not flat. A worker can also learn the correct way to replace a hearing aid battery.

Gall gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc sydd â nam ar y synhwyrau drwy wneud yn siŵr bod eu golwg yn cael ei brofi'n rheolaidd.

Gallant helpu i gynorthwyo'r plentyn neu'r person ifanc a'i rieni a'i ofalwyr i wneud apwyntiadau a'u mynychu, gan sicrhau bod ei sbectol yn lân ac yn cael ei gwisgo'n iawn, a bod ei eiddo'n cael ei gadw yn yr un lle cyfarwydd.

Gallai gweithiwr hefyd ddysgu beth yw'r ffordd gywir o dywys a chynorthwyo rhywun rhannol ddall wrth gerdded a dysgu pa gymhorthion gweledol sydd ar gael.

Gall gweithwyr gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc â nam ar y clyw drwy wneud yn siŵr bod eu clyw yn cael ei brofi'n rheolaidd, bod eu teclyn clyw yn lân ac yn cael ei wisgo'n iawn a bod y batri'n gweithio. Gall y gweithiwr hefyd ddysgu'r ffordd gywir o osod batri newydd mewn teclyn clyw.

Overcoming barriers to communication

Goresgyn rhwystrau rhag cyfathrebu


As a health and social care worker it is important to make sure the physical environment is quiet, well lit, warm and comfortable. It is also important to know and understand how children and young people need to communicate and use a form of their own preferred communication. If appropriate, the individual may wish to use communication aids or human aids such as advocates, interpreters, translators and signers.

Health and social care workers should speak clearly, use appropriate body language and actively listen to show that they are interested and are trying to understand what they are being told. It is also important that they check that the child or young person understands them correctly, and that they can confirm that the message has been understood by asking the individual to relay back what was said.

Workers need to become familiar with the needs of children and young people who have different cultural beliefs. They need to ensure that they are well informed of cultural practices and also how to support a child or young person to communicate in their preferred language, making every effort to provide resources and adapt communication methods to meet individual needs.

Fel gweithiwr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, mae'n bwysig sicrhau bod yr amgylchedd ffisegol yn dawel, wedi'i oleuo'n dda, yn gynnes ac yn gyfforddus. Mae hefyd yn bwysig gwybod a deall sut mae angen i blant a phobl ifanc gyfathrebu, a defnyddio dull cyfathrebu a ddewisir ganddynt. Os yw'n briodol, efallai y bydd yr unigolyn am ddefnyddio cymhorthion cyfathrebu neu gymhorthion dynol fel eiriolwyr, dehonglwyr, cyfieithwyr ac arwyddwyr.

Dylai gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol siarad yn glir, defnyddio iaith corff briodol a gwrando'n weithredol er mwyn dangos bod ganddynt ddiddordeb a'u bod yn ceisio deall yr hyn sy'n cael ei ddweud wrthynt. Mae hefyd yn bwysig iddynt gadarnhau bod y plentyn neu’r person ifanc yn eu deall yn iawn ac eu bod yn medru cadarnhau’r neges trwy ei hadrodd yn ôl.

Mae angen i weithwyr ddod yn gyfarwydd ag anghenion unigolion sydd â chredoau diwylliannol gwahanol. Mae angen iddynt sicrhau bod eu gwybodaeth am arferion diwylliannol yn dda yn ogystal â gwybod sut i gefnogi unigolyn i gyfathrebu yn eu dewis iaith. Bydd angen iddynt wneud pob ymdrech i ddarparu adnoddau ac addasu dulliau cyfathrebu i ddiwallu anghenion unigol.

Overcoming barriers to communication

Goresgyn rhwystrau rhag cyfathrebu

Mark has limited communication as he has a hearing impairment.

What approaches can you use to communicate with Mark?

Mae gallu Marc i gyfathrebu yn gyfyngedig gan fod ganddo nam ar y clyw.

Pa ddulliau allwch chi eu defnyddio i gyfathrebu â Marc?

Suggested response: Speak clearly, slowly, distinctly, but naturally, without shouting or exaggerating mouth movement, face Mark directly, say Mark’s name first to gain his attention, keep your hands away from your face so Mark can see what you are saying.

Ymateb awgrymedig: Siaradwch yn glir, yn araf, yn amlwg, ond yn naturiol, heb weiddi neu orliwio symudiad y geg, wynebwch Marc yn uniongyrchol, dywedwch enw Marc yn gyntaf i gael ei sylw, cadwch eich dwylo oddi wrth eich wyneb fel y gall Marc weld yr hyn yr ydych yn ei ddweud.

Overcoming barriers to communication

Goresgyn rhwystrau rhag cyfathrebu

You have been asked to complete an initial assessment for a child or young person new to your service. Explain 3 ways you could collect information about their communication needs.

Mae angen i chi gwblhau asesiad cychwynnol ar gyfer plentyn neu berson ifanc sy’n derbyn gwasanaeth gennych am y tro cyntaf. Esboniwch 3 ffordd y gallwch gasglu gwybodaeth ynghylch eu hanghenion cyfathrebu.

Suggested response: Ask the child or young person, ask their parents/carers, observe them interacting with others, review approaches used.

Ymateb awgrymedig: Gofyn i’r plentyn neu’r person ifanc, gofyn i’w rhieni/gofalwyr, ei gwylio yn rhyngweithio gydag eraill, adolygu’r dulliau a ddefnyddiwyd.