Positive approaches

Dulliau gweithredu cadarnhaol

A helping hand

When working with children or young people with a particular syndrome, disability or condition, it is important to have a full understanding of the possible effect on behaviour. For example, a child/young person with autism and a learning disability may present behaviour that their family members and support workers find difficult to understand and that they believe to be challenging. A greater understanding of the child/young person will enable workers to be better equipped to know what to do and how to prevent specific responses on other occasions.

It is easier to understand a child/young person’s behaviour if workers have a better understanding of their experiences. This may include considering how having a particular syndrome, disability or condition has affected their communication, social interactions and sensory awareness.

What happens in the environment around the child/young person is often under the control of the individuals supporting them. For example, if a child/young person finds being with many other people in a small room difficult, then the impact of this can be reduced simply by ensuring that the child/young person does not spend time in confined spaces with lots of children/young people.

Communication breakdown may contribute to challenging behaviour, so it is important to understand children/young people’s approach to communication and work to better understand what they are trying to say or indicate.

Wrth weithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sydd â syndrom, anabledd neu gyflwr penodol, mae'n bwysig deall effaith hynny ar ei ymddygiad yn llawn. Er enghraifft, gall blentyn neu berson ifanc ag awtistiaeth ac anabledd dysgu ymddwyn mewn ffordd y mae aelodau o'i deulu a gweithwyr cymorth yn ei chael hi'n anodd ei deall ac sy'n heriol yn eu barn nhw. Bydd dealltwriaeth well o'r plentyn/person ifanc yn galluogi gweithwyr i fod mewn sefyllfa well i wybod beth i'w wneud a sut i atal ymatebion penodol ar achlysuron eraill.

Mae'n haws deall ymddygiad plentyn neu berson ifanc os oes gan weithwyr ddealltwriaeth well o'i brofiadau. Gall hyn gynnwys ystyried y ffordd mae syndrom, anabledd neu gyflwr penodol wedi effeithio ar ei allu i gyfathrebu, ei ryngweithio cymdeithasol a'i ymwybyddiaeth synhwyraidd.

Yn aml, mae'r hyn sy'n digwydd yn yr amgylchedd o gwmpas y plentyn/person ifanc o dan reolaeth yr unigolion sy'n ei gefnogi. Er enghraifft, os bydd plentyn/person ifanc yn ei chael hi'n anodd bod gyda llawer o blant/pobl ifanc eraill mewn ystafell fach, yna gellir lleihau effaith hyn drwy sicrhau nad yw'r plentyn/person ifanc yn treulio amser mewn lleoedd cyfyng gyda llawer o blant neu bobl ifanc.

Gall problemau cyfathrebu gyfrannu at ymddygiad heriol, felly mae'n bwysig deall y ffordd mae'r plentyn/person ifanc yn cyfathrebu a gweithio i ddeall yr hyn y mae'n ceisio ei ddweud neu ei fynegi yn well.

Positive approaches

Dulliau gweithredu cadarnhaol

Think about a child or young person that you have supported in the past or are supporting now. Can you identify any possible factors that may contribute to them using behaviour that is difficult for individuals to understand and manage or which may cause harm to themselves or other individuals?

Meddyliwch am blentyn neu berson ifanc rydych wedi'i gefnogi yn y gorffennol neu rydych yn ei gefnogi ar hyn o bryd. A allwch nodi unrhyw ffactorau posibl a all gyfrannu at y ffaith ei fod yn ymddwyn mewn ffordd sy'n anodd i unigolion ei deall a'i rheoli neu a all beri niwed i'r unigolyn ei hun neu i unigolion eraill?

Suggested responses:

  • a means of communication
  • frustration
  • anxiety
  • pain
  • unmet needs
  • loss
  • transition.

Ymateb awgrymedig:

  • dull cyfathrebu
  • rhwystredigaeth
  • gorbryder
  • poen
  • anghenion heb eu cwrdd
  • colled
  • trawsnewidiad.