


The ways in which individuals are supported will support their self-esteem, security, self-image and overall well-being. To promote an individual’s well-being, they need to be happy with and involved in as many aspects of their lives as possible.

The Social Care Wales Code of Conduct states that care workers should ‘promote the well-being, voice and control of individuals and carers while supporting them to stay safe.’

Person centred care respects each individual and their rights, need for choice, dignity, respect and independence. Supporting an individual by involving them in choices promotes independence, empowering them to feel in control of their situation and helps develop self-confidence and self-esteem.

When an individual requires long-term care or has an illness or disability that changes the way they live can lead to a reduction in their self-worth. They need to be encouraged and empowered with new challenges and to use their strengths in order to reduce any impact of their self-image.

Risk assessments can be used to support independence for individuals and so support their sense of worth and self-esteem. The Department of Health in its document ‘Independence, choice and risk’ notes that a ‘safety first approach’ may not necessarily be the best approach as it may be ‘detrimental to quality of life and a risk to maintaining independence’.

In Titterton’s ‘Positive Risk Approach’, risk is seen as being positive and enhancing the lives of individuals. It stresses the importance of rights and autonomy.

Bydd y ffyrdd y caiff cymorth ei roi i unigolion yn cefnogi eu hunan-barch, eu diogelwch, eu hunanddelwedd a'u llesiant cyffredinol. Er mwyn hybu llesiant unigolyn, bydd angen iddo fod yn hapus â chynifer o agweddau ar ei fywyd â phosibl ac yn cael ei gynnwys yn yr agweddau hynny.

Mae Cod Ymddygiad Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru yn nodi y dylai gweithwyr gofal ‘hybu llesiant, llais a rheolaeth unigolion a gofalwyr tra'n eu cefnogi i gadw'n ddiogel.’

Mae gofal person ganolog yn parchu pob unigolyn a'i hawliau, ei angen i ddewis, ei urddas, ei barch a'i annibyniaeth. Mae cefnogi unigolyn drwy ei gynnwys mewn dewisiadau yn hybu annibyniaeth, gan ei rymuso i deimlo bod ganddo reolaeth dros ei sefyllfa, ac yn helpu i feithrin hunanhyder a hunan-barch.

Pan fydd angen gofal hirdymor ar unigolyn, neu pan fydd ganddo salwch neu anabledd sy'n newid y ffordd mae'n byw, gall hyn leihau ei hunan-werth. Mae angen rhoi heriau newydd iddo a'i annog a'i rymuso i ddefnyddio ei gryfderau er mwyn lleihau unrhyw effaith ar ei hunanddelwedd.

Gellir defnyddio asesiadau risg i gefnogi annibyniaeth i unigolion ac felly gefnogi eu hymdeimlad o werth a hunan-barch. Mae'r Adran Iechyd, yn ei dogfen ‘Independence, choice and risk’ yn nodi nad diogelwch yn gyntaf yw'r dull gweithredu gorau o reidrwydd oherwydd gall fod yn andwyol i ansawdd bywyd a pheri risg i'r gallu i gynnal annibyniaeth.

Mae ‘Dull Gweithredu Risg Gadarnhaol’ Titterton yn ystyried bod risg yn beth cadarnhaol sy'n gwella bywydau unigolion. Mae'n pwysleisio pwysigrwydd hawliau ac ymreolaeth.

Identify how the way individuals are supported will impact on how they feel about themselves. Match the terms to the correct definitions.

Nodwch sut y bydd y ffordd y caiff cymorth ei roi i unigolion yn effeithio ar y ffordd maent yn teimlo amdanynt eu hunain. Parwch y termau gyda’u diffiniadau cywir.





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