

Healthy breakfast


is 'The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth'

Food or nourishment ‘a feeding tube gives nutrition and water’

‘The branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition, particularly in humans’



Diffiniad yr Oxford dictionary o faethiad yw ‘The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth’

Ystyr bwyd neu faeth yw ‘a feeding tube gives nutrition and water’

‘The branch of science that deals with nutrients and nutrition, particularly in humans’


drinking water


is ‘The process of causing something to absorb water’

‘the human body requires adequate hydration to function properly’



Diffiniad yr Oxford dictionary o hydradu yw ‘The process of causing something to absorb water’

‘the human body requires adequate hydration to function properly’


The principles of a balanced diet and good hydration and government recommendations for a balanced diet and hydration

Egwyddorion deiet cytbwys a hydradu da ac argymhellion y llywodraeth o ran deiet cytbwys a hydradu

Eatwell Guide

The Eatwell Guide (replacing the Eatwell plate) gives a model for healthy eating that is often displayed in a pictorial form to help clearly show the principles of a balanced diet. The model has been developed from evidence-based advice on nutrition and hydration.

The Eatwell Guide is based on the five food groups and shows how much should be eaten from each food group. It promotes a balanced diet with fruit, vegetables, carbohydrates, dairy, meat, fish and pulses. There is also advice about hydration. Use of the Eatwell Guide ensures that there is consistent advice about the components of a healthy diet. Anyone with special dietary requirements can seek specialist advice on adapting to meet their nutritional needs.

The guide does not apply to children under the age of 2 as they have different nutritional needs. Between ages 2 and 5, children should progress to eating balanced meals meeting the guidance in the Eatwell Guide.

The latest version in 2016 recommends :

  • Eat at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day.
  • Base meals on potatoes, bread, rice, pasta or other starchy carbohydrates; choosing whole grain versions where possible.
  • Have some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks); choosing lower fat and lower sugar options.
  • Eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins (including 2 portions of fish every week, one of which should be oily).
  • Choose unsaturated oils and spreads and eat in small amounts.
  • Drink 6-8 cups/glasses of fluid a day.
  • If consuming foods and drinks high in fat, salt or sugar have these less often and in small amounts.



In Wales, Change4Life was launched in 2010 to encourage everyone in Wales to adopt healthy lifestyles and habits with healthy eating and physical activity. Change4Life supports parents with ideas to make healthy lifestyle changes that will protect the future health of children, e.g. ‘Smart swaps’ - swapping biscuits, cakes and sweets for healthier options such as fruit and chopped vegetables, plain rice cakes. It suggests healthy drinks, snacks, recipes and activities.


Eatwell Guide

Mae'r Canllaw Bwyta'n Dda (sy'n disodli'r plât Bwyta'n Dda) yn cyflwyno model ar gyfer bwyta'n iach a gaiff ei arddangos ar ffurf llun er mwyn helpu i ddangos yn glir beth yw egwyddorion deiet cytbwys. Mae'r model wedi cael ei ddatblygu gan ddefnyddio cyngor ar sail tystiolaeth ar faethiad a hydradu.

Mae'r Canllaw Bwyta'n Dda yn seiliedig ar y pum grŵp bwyd ac yn dangos faint y dylid ei fwyta o bob grŵp. Mae'n hyrwyddo deiet cytbwys sy'n cynnwys ffrwythau, llysiau, carbohydradau, cynnyrch llaeth, cig, pysgod a chodlysiau. Rhoddir cyngor ar hydradu hefyd. Mae defnyddio'r Canllaw Bwyta'n Dda yn sicrhau bod cyngor cyson yn cael ei roi ar elfennau deiet iach. Gall unrhyw un ag anghenion deietegol arbennig geisio cyngor arbenigol ar addasu i gwrdd â'u hanghenion maethol.

Nid yw'r canllaw'n berthnasol i blant o dan 2 oed am fod ganddynt anghenion maethol gwahanol. Rhwng 2 a 5 oed, dylai plant ddatblygu tuag at fwyta prydau cytbwys sy'n dilyn arweiniad y Canllaw Bwyta'n Dda.

Mae'r fersiwn ddiweddaraf a gyhoeddwyd yn 2016 yn argymell:

  • Bwyta o leiaf 5 dogn o amrywiaeth o ffrwythau a llysiau bob dydd.
  • Seilio prydau bwyd ar datws, bara, reis, pasta neu garbohydradau startslyd eraill; gan ddewis fersiynau grawn cyflawn pan fo modd.
  • Cymryd rhai cynhyrchion llaeth neu ddewisiadau amgen (fel diodydd soia); gan ddewis opsiynau sydd â llai o fraster a siwgr.
  • Bwyta rhywfaint o ffa, codlysiau, pysgod, wyau, cig a phroteinau eraill (gan gynnwys 2 ddogn o bysgod yr wythnos, a dylai un o'r rhain fod yn olewog).
  • Dewis olew a sbreds annirlawn gan fwyta ychydig yn unig ar y tro.
  • Yfed 6-8 cwpanaid/gwydraid o hylif y dydd.
  • Os ydych chi'n cymryd bwydydd a diodydd sy'n cynnwys llawer o fraster, halen neu siwgr yna dylid eu cymryd yn llai aml, ac ychydig yn unig ar y tro.



Yng Nghymru, lansiwyd Newid am Oes yn 2010 er mwyn annog pawb yng Nghymru i ddilyn ffordd iach o fyw ac arferion iach gan gynnwys bwyta'n iach a gwneud ymarfer corff. Mae Newid am Oes yn helpu rhieni drwy roi syniadau iddynt ar gyfer gwneud newidiadau iach i ffordd o fyw a fydd yn diogelu iechyd plant yn y dyfodol, e.e. ‘Smart swaps’, sef cyfnewid bisgedi, cacennau a losin am opsiynau iachach fel ffrwythau a llysiau, cacennau reis plaen. Mae'n awgrymu diodydd, byrbrydau, ryseitiau a gweithgareddau iach.


The principles of a balanced diet and good hydration

Egwyddorion deiet cytbwys a hydradu da

The importance of a balanced diet for optimum health of individuals

Pwysigrwydd deiet cytbwys o ran iechyd a llesiant gorau unigolion

Health and Social Care

A healthy and balanced diet is required to ensure the optimum health of individuals and to ensure all parts of the body work effectively.

Hydration is important to prevent constipation. Mild dehydration causes tiredness, headaches and can impact on concentration. It can also cause dry skin.

A healthy and balanced diet with healthy food choices and eating habits boosts immunity from infection and disease, prevents obesity and chronic diseases, provides energy and supports good sleep. Healthy eating habits increase the chance of a long life.

Without a healthy diet there is an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, fatigue and poor performance.

Good dental health is supported by a diet which is high in calcium and low in sugar.

Mae angen deiet iach a chytbwys er mwyn sicrhau iechyd gorau unigolion ac er mwyn sicrhau bod pob rhan o'r corff yn gweithio'n effeithiol.

Mae hydradu'n bwysig er mwyn atal rhwymedd. Mae dadhydradiad ysgafn yn achosi blinder a chur pen, a gall effeithio ar y gallu i ganolbwyntio. Gall hefyd achosi croen sych.

Mae deiet iach a chytbwys gyda dewisiadau bwyd ac arferion bwyta iach yn hybu imiwnedd rhag haint a chlefyd, yn atal gordewdra a chlefydau cronig, yn rhoi egni ac yn cefnogi cwsg da. Mae arferion bwyta iach yn cynyddu'r tebygolrwydd o fyw bywyd hir.

Heb ddeiet iach, ceir mwy o risg o ganser, clefyd y galon, diabetes, gorflinder a pherfformiad gwael.

Caiff iechyd deintyddol da ei gefnogi gan ddeiet sy'n cynnwys llawer o galsiwm a dim llawer o siwgr.

Factors that can affect nutrition and hydration

Ffactorau a all effeithio ar faeth a hydradu

Factors that can affect nutrition and hydration can include:

  • culture and religion
  • individual preferences and habits
  • physical factors - positioning, oral hygiene etc.
  • psychological factors – depression, eating disorder etc.
  • income, lifestyle and social convention
  • advertising and fads
  • family and peer group influences
  • ethics, morals and political beliefs
  • neglect.

Gall y ffactorau a all effeithio ar faeth a hydradu gynnwys:

  • diwylliant a chrefydd
  • dewisiadau ac arferion unigolion
  • ffactorau corfforol – osgo, hylendid y geg ac ati
  • ffactorau seicolegol – iselder, anhwylderau bwyta ac ati
  • incwm, ffordd o fyw a chonfensiwn cymdeithasol
  • hysbysebion a'r ffasiwn
  • dylanwad teulu a grwpiau chymheiriaid
  • moeseg, moesau a chredoau gwleidyddol
  • esgeulustod.
Family having food Plate and tape measure