Potential conflicts and dilemmas

Achosion posibl o wrthdaro a chyfyng-gyngor


There are some situations when health and social care workers may need to override their duty of confidentiality to individuals if it is done to protect their best interests or the best interests of the public. If they have information that an individual is either at risk of harm or is posing a risk of causing harm to someone else, they should report their concerns to their manager or supervisor.

But sometimes issues around disclosure and confidentiality might not be straight forward, and the boundaries of good practice might seem confusing. They should always ask their manager or supervisor if they face a dilemma or conflict around disclosure or confidentiality.

Mae rhai sefyllfaoedd lle y gall fod angen i weithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol ddiystyru eu dyletswydd cyfrinachedd i unigolion os gwneir hynny er mwyn diogelu eu buddiannau neu er budd y cyhoedd. Os byddant yn meddu ar wybodaeth sy'n awgrymu naill ai bod risg o niwed i unigolyn neu fod risg y gallai achosi niwed i rywun arall, dylent roi gwybod i'r rheolwr neu oruchwylydd am eu pryderon.

Ond weithiau, mae'n bosibl na fydd materion sy'n gysylltiedig â datgelu gwybodaeth a chyfrinachedd yn syml, a gall fod dryswch ynghylch ffiniau ymarfer da. Dylent bob amser ofyn i'w rheolwr neu oruchwylydd os byddant yn wynebu cyfyng-gyngor neu wrthdaro mewn perthynas â datgelu gwybodaeth neu gyfrinachedd.

Case study

Astudiaeth achos

You are supporting an individual to wash themselves, when you see that they have quite severe fresh bruising on their back and upper arms. The individual is not keen to speak about the cause, but eventually tells you that their son, who visits regularly, inflicted the bruises.

You are very concerned about the individual’s safety, but they ask you not to tell anyone or their son may stop visiting. You have a clear conflict here. You feel that the best course of action is to report your findings immediately to your manager, who will be able to alert the appropriate authorities, and then write a formal report as a record of what happened. But you’re worried that doing so would breach the individual’s confidentiality.

Rydych yn helpu unigolyn i olchi ei hun ac yn gweld bod ganddo gleisiau newydd cymharol ddifrifol ar ei gefn a rhan uchaf ei freichiau. Nid yw'r unigolyn yn awyddus i drafod achos y cleisiau, ond yn y pen draw, mae'n dweud wrthych mae ei fab, sy'n dod i'w weld yn rheolaidd, a achosodd y cleisiau.

Rydych yn pryderu'n fawr am ddiogelwch yr unigolyn, ond mae'n gofyn i chi beidio â dweud wrth neb rhag ofn y bydd ei fab yn rhoi'r gorau i ddod i'w weld. Mae achos clir o wrthdaro yma. Rydych o'r farn mai'r peth gorau i'w wneud fyddai rhoi gwybod i'ch rheolwr ar unwaith am y sefyllfa, a fydd yn gallu rhoi gwybod i'r awdurdodau priodol, ac wedyn ysgrifennu adroddiad ffurfiol fel cofnod o'r hyn a ddigwyddodd. Ond rydych yn poeni y byddai hynny'n torri cyfrinachedd yr unigolyn.

QuestionCwestiwn Your ResponseEich Ymateb Suggested ResponseYmateb Awgrymedig

Suggested Response:

Ymateb Awgrymedig: