Roles and Responsibilities

Rolau a Chyfrifoldebau

Paper and gavel

The role and responsibilities of an individual's job should also clarify what they must not do. This could include activities which they have not yet been trained for, and tasks that they are not capable of doing because of an individual's health status or lack of experience for example.

They should also state activities that an individual's age, sex and understanding prevents them from carrying out, such as helping someone of the opposite sex with intimate care needs. Working in ways that are clearly defined like this puts the health, safety and emotional well-being of everyone at risk.

As the scope of an individual's job role is used to measure their performance, it is important that they discuss with their manager what is expected of them. Observation or informal supervision helps their supervisor to identify their strengths and limitations and chat with them about their performance.

Dylai rolau a chyfrifoldebau swydd unigolyn hefyd egluro beth na ddylai ei wneud. Gallai hyn gynnwys gweithgareddau nad yw wedi'i hyfforddi ar eu cyfer eto, a thasgau na all eu cyflawni oherwydd statws iechyd neu ddiffyg profiad yr unigolyn, er enghraifft.

Dylent hefyd nodi gweithgareddau y mae oedran, rhyw a dealltwriaeth yr unigolyn yn ei atal rhag eu cyflawni, megis helpu rhywun o'r rhyw arall ag anghenion gofal personol. Mae gweithio mewn ffyrdd sydd wedi'u diffinio'n glir yn rhoi iechyd, diogelwch a lles emosiynol pawb yn y fantol.

Gan y defnyddir cwmpas rôl swydd unigolyn i fesur ei berfformiad, mae'n bwysig iddo drafod yr hyn a ddisgwylir ganddo gyda'i reolwr. Mae sesiynau arsylwi neu oruchwylio anffurfiol yn helpu ei oruchwylydd i nodi ei gryfderau a'i gyfyngiadau ac i sgwrsio am ei berfformiad.

Roles and Responsibilities

Drag the words into the correct space to determine which description matches the key word.

Rolau a Chyfrifoldebau

Llusgwch y geiriau i'r gofod priodol er mwyn penderfynu pa ddisgrifiad sy'n cyfateb i'r gair allweddol.

Key words

Geiriau allweddol



Correct answers

Atebion cywir