Reporting unsafe or poor practice

Rhoi gwybod am ymarfer anniogel neu wael


Elderly woman and care worker

Health and social care professionals have a duty of care to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals they are supporting. Most professions have set out good practice guidelines, and not following these guidelines may amount to abuse or neglect. All health and social care professions have identified certain principles and ways of working as ‘good practice’. Being aware of what ‘good practice’ means can help an individual identify abuse or neglect.

For example, an individual could notice that even though their colleague is wearing gloves, they use the same pair throughout their shift and don't wash their hands between tasks. They prepare breakfast, deliver personal care, and write in the hand-over book without taking the gloves off. This is putting the safety of individuals at risk and a health and social care professional has a professional duty to raise their concerns about this.

Mae dyletswydd gofal ar weithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol proffesiynol i sicrhau diogelwch a llesiant yr unigolion y maent yn eu cefnogi. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o broffesiynau wedi llunio canllawiau arfer da, a gall methu â dilyn y canllawiau hyn fod yn gyfystyr ag achos o gam-drin neu esgeuluso. Mae pob proffesiwn iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol wedi nodi rhai egwyddorion a ffyrdd o weithio penodol fel 'ymarfer da'. Gall bod yn ymwybodol o 'ymarfer da' helpu unigolyn i nodi achos o gam-drin neu esgeuluso.

Er enghraifft, gallai unigolyn sylwi er bod ei gydweithiwr yn gwisgo menig, ei bod yn defnyddio'r un pâr drwy gydol ei shifft ac nad yw'n golchi ei ddwylo rhwng tasgau. Mae'n paratoi brecwast, yn rhoi gofal personol, ac yn ysgrifennu yn y llyfr trosglwyddo heb ddiosg y menig. Mae hyn yn golygu bod diogelwch unigolion yn y fantol ac mae dyletswydd broffesiynol ar y gweithiwr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol proffesiynol i godi ei bryderon yn hyn o beth.

Why must poor and unsafe practice be reported?

Pam bod yn rhaid rhoi gwybod am ymarfer gwael ac anniogel?



It is everyone’s role to work in ways which respect individuals and ensures their safety at all times. Workers must report any poor or unsafe practice to their senior or manager. If the practice continues workers should report their concerns to a more senior manager. Workers can also report their concerns directly to the local authority Adult Safeguarding team, or to the inspectorate.

Mae cyfrifoldeb ar bawb i weithio mewn ffyrdd sy'n parchu unigolion ac sy'n sicrhau eu diogelwch bob amser. Rhaid i weithwyr roi gwybod i weithiwr uwch neu reolwr am unrhyw ymarfer gwael neu anniogel. Os bydd yr ymarfer yn parhau, dylai gweithwyr roi gwybod i reolwr uwch am eu pryderon. Gall gweithwyr hefyd roi gwybod yn uniongyrchol i dîm Diogelu Oedolion yr awdurdod lleol, neu'r arolygiaeth, am eu pryderon.

Why must poor and unsafe practice be reported?

Pam bod yn rhaid rhoi gwybod am ymarfer gwael ac anniogel?


What is an example of poor or unsafe practice?

Beth sy'n enghraifft o ymarfer gwael neu anniogel?

Suggested response:

  • unsafe practice includes such things as lifting an individual without referring to their care plan, risk assessment or without using the necessary hoist or equipment
  • leaving an individual on their own, when their care plan clearly states they should not be left on their own
  • ignoring individual’s choices or requests for help.

Ymateb awgrymedig:

  • mae ymarfer anniogel yn cynnwys pethau fel codi unigolyn heb gyfeirio at ei gynllun gofal, asesiad risg neu heb ddefnyddio'r ddyfais godi neu'r cyfarpar angenrheidiol
  • gadael unigolyn ar ei ben ei hun, pan fo'i gynllun gofal yn nodi'n glir na ddylid ei adael ar ei ben ei hun
  • anwybyddu dewisiadau unigolyn neu geisiadau am help ganddo.