

Working together

Partnership working in health and social care is the working together of agencies that have a share in the support of individuals who need to access health and social care services. The key principles of partnership working are shared values, agreed goals or outcomes for the individuals they support, and regular communication.

Mae gweithio mewn partneriaeth ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn golygu bod yr asiantaethau sy'n rhoi cymorth i unigolion y mae angen iddynt gael gafael ar wasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn cydweithio. Mae egwyddorion allweddol gweithio mewn partneriaeth yn cynnwys gwerthoedd cyffredin, cytuno ar nodau neu ganlyniadau ar gyfer yr unigolion y maent yn rhoi cymorth iddynt, a chyfathrebu'n rheolaidd.

What are the principles of working in partnership?

Beth yw egwyddorion gweithio mewn partneriaeth?


Workers can help encourage and improve partnership working by promoting key principles, for example shared values, agreed goals or outcomes for the individuals they support, and provide regular communication. Shared values within teams include commitment and enthusiasm, always having the interests of individuals at the heart of their work and being prepared to learn new things and adapt the way they work.

An understanding is required of the goals or outcomes the partnership is trying to achieve, and by when. It is important to make sure that everyone understands what is being agreed and what is expected of each other. When working in partnership people should not act beyond their job scope. If they have any concerns about what is expected of them, or others, a conversation should be had with their manager. People should ensure they attend all meetings and appointments; be punctual and well-presented.

It is important to use jargon-free communication. Individuals, carers, family and friends, volunteers and individuals working in other agencies may not understand the language of other workplaces, so using it would put them at a disadvantage. Workers are encouraged to listen actively to each other and show that contributions are valued and confidentiality is maintained.

Mae gweithwyr yn gallu helpu i annog a gwella gweithio mewn partneriaeth wrth hyrwyddo egwyddorion allweddol, er enghraifft gwerthoedd ar y cyd, nodau neu ganlyniadau wedi eu cytuno ar gyfer yr unigolyn a gefnogant, a darparu cyfathrebu rheolaidd. Mae gwerthoedd ar y cyd o fewn timau yn cynnwys ymrwymiad a brwdfrydedd, bod â buddiannau unigolion wrth galon eu gwaith bob adeg a bod yn barod i ddysgu pethau newydd ac addasu'r ffordd maen nhw'n gweithio.

Mae angen dealltwriaeth o'r nodau neu ganlyniadau mae'r bartneriaeth yn ceisio eu cyflawni, ac erbyn pryd. Mae'n bwysig i sicrhau bod pawb yn deall beth sy'n cael ei gytuno a beth sy'n cael ei ddisgwyl o'i gilydd. Wrth weithio mewn partneriaeth ni ddylai pobl weithredu y tu hwnt i gwmpas eu swydd. Os oes ganddynt unrhyw bryderon ynglŷn â beth sy'n cael ei ddisgwyl ohonynt, neu eraill, dylid cael sgwrs gyda'u rheolwr. Dylai pobl sicrhau eu bod yn mynychu pob cyfarfod ac apwyntiad; bod yn brydlon a thrwsiadus.

Mae'n bwysig i ddefnyddio cyfathrebu heb jargon. Gallai unigolion, gofalwyr, teulu a ffrindiau, gwirfoddolwyr ac unigolion sy'n gweithio mewn asiantaethau eraill beidio â deall iaith gweithleoedd eraill, felly byddai ei defnyddio yn eu rhoi o dan anfantais. Mae gweithwyr yn cael eu hannog i wrando'n weithredol ar ei gilydd a dangos bod cyfraniadau yn werthfawr a chyfrinachedd yn cael ei gynnal.

What are the principles of working in partnership?

Watch the video about partnership working

Beth yw egwyddorion gweithio mewn partneriaeth?

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