Abuse of power

Camddefnyddio pŵer

medical team

The misuse of power and trust is linked to harm, abuse or neglect. Where individuals require care and support, there is the chance of abuse or neglect unless safeguards are put in place. It is important that those involved in service delivery are aware that this power imbalance can happen. All health and social care workers must adhere to certain standards of care and support, including maintaining professional boundaries and treating individuals with dignity and respect.

Cysylltir camddefnyddio pŵer ac ymddiriedaeth â niwed, cam-driniaeth neu esgeulustod. Lle mae angen gofal a chymorth ar unigolion, mae'n bosibl y caiff yr unigolyn ei gam-drin neu ei esgeuluso oni roddir camau diogelu ar waith. Mae'n bwysig bod y rheini sy'n ymwneud â darparu gwasanaethau yn ymwybodol y gall yr anghydbwysedd hwn o ran pŵer ddigwydd. Rhaid i bob gweithiwr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol gydymffurfio â safonau gofal penodol o ofal a chymorth, gan gynnwys cynnal ffiniau proffesiynol a thrin unigolion ag urddas a pharch.