Supervision and appraisal

Goruchwylio ac arfarnu


An organisation should have a performance management policy which describes the arrangements that it has to improve the performance of workers. This is to enable the organisation to achieve its goals and deliver effective health and social care services. These arrangements will include information about roles and responsibilities for supervision and appraisals, the purpose of supervision and appraisals and expectations around the frequency of meetings. Some organisations include templates that managers and workers use to record the main content of their supervision and appraisal meetings.

Managers must assess performance against relevant standards and agreed performance indicators, for example attendance on courses, a specific skill, a specific target. They must discuss a worker’s knowledge, understanding and achievements, including what the worker has learnt and achieved since their last appraisal/supervision meeting; their personal attitudes and conduct; and their learning and personal development needs. They are also required to exchange views about a worker’s practices – a worker’s strengths and how they can improve; their concerns and how they might be dealt with; how they would like their career to develop and what they need to do to further their development. Finally, both are required to agree a date for a further meeting, to ensure that the worker’s development is continuously reviewed.

Dylai fod gan sefydliad bolisi rheoli perfformiad sy'n disgrifio'r trefniadau sydd ganddo i wella perfformiad gweithwyr. Mae hyn er mwyn galluogi'r sefydliad i gyflawni ei amcanion a darparu gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol effeithiol. Bydd y trefniadau hyn yn cynnwys gwybodaeth ynghylch rolau a chyfrifoldebau ar gyfer goruchwylio ac arfarniadau, pwrpas goruchwylio ac arfarniadau a disgwyliadau ynghylch amlder cyfarfodydd. Mae rhai sefydliadau'n cynnwys templedi y mae rheolwyr a gweithwyr yn eu defnyddio i gofnodi prif gynnwys eu cyfarfodydd goruchwylio ac arfarnu.

Rhaid i reolwyr asesu perfformiad yn ôl safonau perthnasol a dangosyddion perfformiad cytunedig, er enghraifft presenoldeb ar gyrsiau, sgil benodol, targed penodol. Rhaid iddynt drafod gwybodaeth, dealltwriaeth a chyflawniadau gweithiwr, gan gynnwys yr hyn mae'r gweithiwr wedi'i ddysgu a'i gyflawni ers ei gyfarfod arfarnu/goruchwylio diwethaf; ei agweddau ac ymddygiad personol; a'i anghenion dysgu a datblygiad personol. Mae'n ofynnol iddo hefyd gyfnewid barn am arferion gweithiwr - cryfderau gweithiwr a sut y gall wella; ei bryderon a sut y gellir delio â hwy; sut yr hoffai i'w yrfa ddatblygu a'r hyn mae angen iddo ei wneud i hyrwyddo ei ddatblygiad. Yn olaf, mae'n ofynnol i'r ddau gytuno ar ddyddiad ar gyfer cyfarfod pellach, er mwyn sicrhau bod datblygiad y gweithiwr yn cael ei adolygu'n barhaus.

Role and responsibilities

Watch the following video:

Rôl a chyfrifoldebau

Gwyliwch y fideo canlynol:

  1. What style of supervision is encouraged in the organisation?
  2. How does the worker benefit from supervision?
  1. Pa fath o oruchwyliaeth sy’n cael ei annog yn y sefydliad?
  2. Sut mae'r gweithiwr yn elwa o oruchwyliaeth?

Suggested response:

1. What style of supervision is encouraged in the organisation?

  • reflective approach
  • emotional support
  • coaching style, e.g. asking the worker questions
  • participative style, encouraging worker to identify solutions.

2. How does the worker benefit from supervision?

  • ability to address challenges
  • emotional support
  • boosts self-esteem and morale
  • shares ideas about care and support in relation to individuals
  • improves quality of work and the opportunity to improve
  • identifies problems to be addressed by the worker/manager.

Ymateb awgrymedig:

1. Pa fath o oruchwyliaeth sy’n cael ei annog yn y sefydliad?

  • ymagwedd fyfyriol
  • cymorth emosiynol
  • arddull hyfforddi, e.e. gofyn cwestiynau i’r gweithiwr
  • arddull gyfranogol, gan annog gweithiwr i nodi atebion.

2. Sut mae’r gweithiwr yn elwa o oruchwyliaeth?

  • y gallu i fynd i’r afael a heriau
  • cefnogaeth emosiynol
  • yn hybu hunan-barch a chodi calon
  • yn rhannu syniadau ynghylch gofal a chymorth mewn cysylltiad ag unigolion
  • yn gwella ansawdd y gwaith a'r cyfle i wella
  • yn nodi problemau i'r gweithiwr/rheolwr fynd i'r afael â hwy.

Role and responsibilities

Rôl a chyfrifoldebau

Supervision and appraisal

Informal supervision, whilst not quite as structured as appraisals and performance reviews, is a very useful source of support. Informal supervision takes place on the job, by someone who is trained and who has the relevant experience.

Workers, in their supervisee role, are responsible for attending supervision and appraisal, planning and preparing for their meetings, and agreeing the outcomes and objectives of supervision and appraisal. Training needs can be identified, and future roles discussed.

Mae goruchwylio anffurfiol, er nad yw mor strwythuredig ag arfarniadau ac adolygiadau o berfformiad, yn ffynhonnell gymorth ddefnyddiol iawn. Cynhelir gweithgareddau goruchwylio anffurfiol wrth weithio, gan rywun sydd wedi'u hyfforddi ac sy'n meddu ar y profiad perthnasol.

Mae gweithwyr, wrth gael eu goruchwylio, yn gyfrifol am fynychu sesiynau goruchwylio ac arfarnu, cynllunio a pharatoi ar gyfer eu cyfarfodydd, a chytuno ar ganlyniadau ac amcanion y sesiynau goruchwylio ac arfarnu. Gellir nodi anghenion hyfforddi, a thrafod rolau ar gyfer y dyfodol.

Role and responsibilities of workers for undertaking supervision and appraisal

Click on the answer you think is correct.

Rôl a chyfrifoldebau gweithwyr am gynnal sesiynau oruchwylio ac arfarnu

Cliciwch ar yr ateb cywir yn eich barn chi.

Multiple choice question Cwestiwn aml-ddewis

Feedback from your manager is important because they: Mae adborth gan eich rheolwr yn bwysig oherwydd: