Well-being and its importance

Llesiant a pam mae’n bwysig


Happy children

The well-being of children and young people means that they are safe, comfortable, happy, feeling good about themselves and ready to learn and develop. It's essential that children live and are taught in a safe and stable environment in order to ensure sound well-being development. Children need to be valued in order for them to develop to fulfil their potential.

The following factors contribute to the well-being of children and young people and it's essential that childcare workers and families/carers take them into consideration:

  • health and safety
  • care
  • poverty
  • stimulation and education
  • family/carers and friends.

Well-being can contribute towards many elements:

Confidence: developing the ability to do an activity or task confidently, without worrying about making mistakes.

Self-esteem: a good opinion of yourself, valuing what you can do.

Self-worth: thinking that you are valuable and that you have many things to contribute.

Positive self-image: seeing yourself as a positive person, valuing yourself.

Dealing with anger: the ability to deal with losing someone close to you in bereavement, a small child losing a pet can cause anger.

Coping with change: how you deal with changes in your life e.g. a change of school, a new baby in the family.

Managing conflict: how you cope if you disagree with someone or a particular scenario.

Self-awareness: knowing who you are and recognising yourself.

Demonstrating empathy: thinking of others, understanding how others feel.

Dealing with challenging situations: the way you can develop your ideas to solve problems.

The childcare worker and parents/carers have a duty to ensure that children and young people in their care have their well-being met in order to be able to develop the above elements.

Mae llesiant plant a phobl ifanc yn golygu eu bod yn ddiogel, yn gyffyrddus, yn hapus, yn teimlo’n dda am eu hunain ac yn barod i ddysgu a datblygu. Mae’n hanfodol bod plant yn byw ac yn cael eu dysgu mewn amgylchedd diogel a sefydlog er mwyn sicrhau datblygiad lles cadarn. Mae angen gwerthfawrogi plant fel eu bod yn datblygu i’w llawn botensial.

Mae’r ffactorau canlynol yn cyfrannu tuag at lesiant plant a phobl ifanc ac mae’n hanfodol bod gweithwyr gofal plant a theuluoedd/gofalwyr yn eu hystyried:

  • iechyd a diogelwch
  • gofal
  • tlodi
  • symbyliad ac addysg
  • teulu/gofalwyr a ffrindiau.

Pam mae llesiant yn bwysig? Mae’n cyfrannu tuag at lawer o elfennau:

Hyder: datblygu’r gallu i fedru gwneud gweithgaredd neu dasg yn hyderus, heb ofidio am wneud camgymeriadau.

Hunan-barch: meddwl yn dda am eich hunain, gwerthfawrogi beth rydych yn medru gwneud.

Hunan-werth: meddwl eich bod yn werthfawr, bod gennych lawer o bethau i’w cyfrannu.

Hunanddelwedd bositif: gweld eich hunan fel person positif, gwerthfawrogi eich hunan.

Delio a dicter: medru delio gyda cholli rhywun agos i chi drwy brofedigaeth. I blentyn bach mae colli anifail anwes yn medru achosi dicter.

Ymdopi â newid: y ffordd rydych yn delio gyda newidiadau yn eich bywyd e.e. newid ysgol, baban newydd yn y teulu/gofalwyr.

Rheoli gwrthdaro: y ffordd rydych yn ymdopi os ydych yn anghytuno gyda rhywun neu sefyllfa benodol.

Ymwybyddiaeth o’i hunan: gwybod pwy ydych chi ac adnabod eich hunan.

Dangos empathi: meddwl am eraill, deall sut mae eraill yn teimlo.

Delio â sefyllfaoedd heriol: y ffordd rydych yn medru datblygu eich syniadau i ddatrys problemau.

Mae dyletswydd gan yr ymarferwr a rhieni/gofalwyr/gofalwyr sicrhau bod lles plant a phobl ifanc yn eu gofal yn cael eu cwrdd er mwyn gallu datblygu’r elfennau uchod.

Well-being and its importance

Drag the glossary to the correct explanation.

Pam mae llesiant yn bwysig

Llusgwch yr eirfa i’r esboniad cywir.






Correct answers

Atebion cywir

        Factors that affect the well-being of children and their families/carers

        Y ffactorau sy’n effeithio ar lesiant plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr/gofalwyr


        Baby and mother

        A variety of factors can affect the well-being of children and their families/carers, leading to serious consequences.

        They can include:

        Health and Safety: If the environment is not safe, this can affect children and their families/carers and cause harm. Environment can mean the setting, play areas, leisure centres, social institutions and homes. Without a safe environment in which to play and spend time, children will not be able to learn by exploring and investigating. The ability to take risks safely will be limited and this will affect their opportunities to make decisions and choices. As a result, children will not fulfil their potential. They will appear to lack confidence and they won't learn from previous experiences. Ensuring a safe environment allows everyone to be aware of dangers that may arise and how to deal with them.

        Care: Children and young people's basic care needs include food, sleep, clothes, a home, fresh air, love and stimulation. It must be ensured that all children have access to health centres from the minute they are born. Without this, their health will not be monitored and babies will not be immunised at the correct times. Medical conditions will go unrecognised which will affect health and personal development. It's vital that children and young people have nutritious food and plenty of sleep to be able to cope with the activities and challenges of the following day. They need a comfortable home offering stimulation and unconditional love. If children and young people don't receive appropriate care, they won't develop healthily which will cause low self-esteem.

        Abuse: Abuse has a serious physical, intellectual, social and emotional effect on children and young people. This will affect the development of the individual's well-being as well as causing physical harm. If it is suspected that children are suffering domestic abuse, schools and education settings have a duty to protect them and promote their well-being by referring them using recognised child protection procedures. Child abuse can sometimes lead to children abusing themselves with alcohol and drugs. Regular drug abuse can lead to severe physical and psychological addiction which will be hard to control.

        Stimulation and Education: If children and young people are not stimulated, they will not have opportunities to develop and learn to their full potential. Without education, they will be unable to prepare for the world of work which in turn can cause poverty, ill health and low self-confidence. Children and young people need to receive education at the setting and at home and through that they can modify their learning to match the environment.

        Poverty: Every household needs money to be able to live, develop healthily and succeed. Without money, children and young people will not have access to nutritious food to grow healthily which will then affect their physical well-being. Access to transport and leisure activities can be limited, affecting the child's social development. Poverty can limit what people can buy such as mobile phones, clothes or toys. Very young children don't understand why they can't have everything like their friends. As a result, they may feel lonely, suffer from bullying, and be isolated by their friends.

        Family/carers and friends: Children's upbringing can vary within families/carers and this can affect well-being. If there is no consistency within the family/carers e.g. a divorce or an adult joining the family/carers and taking the role of stepfather, children may feel insecure in the situation and think they're being left out. This can make children more withdrawn and cause them to fall behind in development. The behaviour of families/carers also varies and attitudes that are acceptable in one family/carers may be unacceptable in another. This can influence children and affect the way they behave outside the home. Behaviour has a significant effect on the present and future success of children and young people; socially, educationally and when they are in employment.

        Gall amrywiaeth o ffactorau effeithio ar lesiant plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr/gofalwyr gan arwain at ganlyniadau difrifol.

        Gall y rhain gynnwys:

        Iechyd a Diogelwch: Os nad yw’r amgylchedd yn un ddiogel gall effeithio ar blant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr gan achosi niwed. Gall amgylchedd olygu’r lleoliad, mannau chwarae, canolfannau hamdden, sefydliadau cymdeithasol a chartrefi. Heb gael amgylchedd diogel i chwarae a threulio amser ni fydd plant yn medru dysgu trwy archwilio ac ymchwilio. Bydd y gallu i gymryd risgiau yn ddiogel yn gyfyngedig a bydd hyn yn effeithio ar eu cyfleoedd i fedru gwneud penderfyniadau a dewisiadau. Yn sgil hyn ni fydd plant yn cyflawni i’w llawn botensial. Byddant yn ymddangos yn ddihyder ac ni fyddant yn dysgu o’u profiadau blaenorol. Mae sicrhau amgylchedd diogel yn caniatáu i bawb fod yn ymwybodol o beryglon a all godi a sut i ddelio â hwy.

        Gofal: Mae anghenion sylfaenol gofal plant a phobl ifanc yn cynnwys bwyd, cwsg, dillad, cartref, awyr iach, cariad a symbyliad. Mae angen sicrhau bod pob plentyn yn cael mynediad i ganolfannau iechyd o’r funud cânt eu geni. Heb hyn ni fydd eu hiechyd yn cael ei fonitro ac ni fydd babanod yn cael eu himiwneiddio ar yr adegau cywir. Bydd cyflyrau meddygol yn mynd heb eu hadnabod gan effeithio ar iechyd a datblygiad personol. Mae’n hollbwysig bod plant a phobl ifanc yn cael bwyd maethlon a digon o gwsg i fedru ymdopi â gweithgareddau a heriau’r diwrnod canlynol. Mae angen cartref cysurus lle cynigir symbyliad a chariad diamod. Os na fydd plant a phobl ifanc yn cael y gofal priodol ni fyddant yn datblygu i fod yn iach gan achosi i’w hunan-barch i fod yn isel.

        Camdriniaeth: Mae camdriniaeth yn cael effaith ddifrifol ar blant a phobl ifanc yn gorfforol, yn ddeallusol, yn gymdeithasol ac yn emosiynol. Bydd hyn yn effeithio ar ddatblygiad llesiant yr unigolyn yn ogystal ag achosi niwed corfforol. Os oes amheuaeth fod plant yn dioddef o gam-drin domestig mae dyletswydd ar ysgolion a lleoliadau addysg i’w diogelu a hybu eu lles drwy eu cyfeirio gan ddilyn gweithdrefnau amddiffyn plant cydnabyddedig. Gall camdriniaeth plant arwain at blant yn cam-drin eu hunain weithiau gydag alcohol a chyffuriau. Yn sgil defnyddio cyffuriau yn rheolaidd gall unigolyn ddatblygu dibyniaeth gorfforol a seicolegol cryf a fydd yn anodd ei reoli.

        Symbyliad ac Addysg: Os nad yw plant a phobl ifanc yn derbyn symbyliad ni fyddant yn cael cyfleoedd i ddatblygu a dysgu i’w llawn botensial. Heb addysg ni fyddant yn medru paratoi ar gyfer y byd gwaith sydd yn gallu wedyn achosi tlodi, iechyd gwael a hunanhyder isel. Mae angen i blant a phobl ifanc dderbyn addysg yn y lleoliad ac yn y cartref a thrwy hynny byddant yn medru addasu eu dysgu i gyd-fynd â'r amgylchedd.

        Tlodi: Mae bob cartref angen arian i fedru byw, datblygu’n iach a llwyddo. Heb arian ni fydd plant a phobl ifanc yn medru cael bwyd maethlon i dyfu’n iach a fydd wedyn yn effeithio ar eu lles corfforol. Gall fynediad at drafnidiaeth a gweithgareddau hamdden fod yn gyfyngedig gan effeithio ar ddatblygiad cymdeithasol y plentyn. Mae tlodi yn gallu cyfyngu ar bethau mae pobl yn gallu eu prynu megis ffôn symudol, dillad neu deganau. Nid yw plant ifanc iawn yn deall pam nad ydynt yn medru cael pob dim fel eu ffrindiau. Yn sgil hyn gallent deimlo’n unig, cael eu bwlio, a chael eu hynysu gan eu ffrindiau.

        Teulu/gofalwyr a ffrindiau: Mae magwraeth plant yn gallu amrywio o fewn teuluoedd/gofalwyr a gall hyn effeithio ar lesiant. Os nad oes cysondeb o fewn y teulu/gofalwyr, e.e. ysgariad neu oedolyn yn ymuno â’r teulu/gofalwyr gan gymryd rôl llystad, gall blant deimlo’n ansicr o’r sefyllfa gan feddwl eu bod yn cael eu gadael allan. Gall hyn wneud plant yn fwy encilgar ac achosi iddynt lithro'n ôl mewn datblygiad. Mae ymddygiad teuluoedd/gofalwyr hefyd yn amrywio ac mae agweddau sydd yn dderbyniol mewn un teulu/gofalwyr yn medru bod yn annerbyniol mewn teulu/gofalwyr arall. Gall hyn gael dylanwad ar blant gan effeithio’r ffordd maent yn ymddwyn tu allan i’r cartref. Mae gan ymddygiad effaith sylweddol ar lwyddiant presennol a dyfodol plant a phobl ifanc; yn gymdeithasol, addysgol a phan fyddant mewn cyflogaeth.

        Factors that affect the well-being of children and their families/carers

        Drag the correct words from the list into the blanks in the sentences

        Ffactorau sy’n effeithio ar lesiant plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr/gofalwyr

        Llusgwch y geiriau cywir o’r rhestr i’r bylchau yn y brawddegau


        Your Answers

        1. If the is not safe, this can affect children and their families/carers and cause harm.
        2. Without a environment in which to play and spend time, children will not be able to learn by exploring and investigating.
        3. Children and young people's include food, sleep, clothes, a home, fresh air, love and stimulation.
        4. They need a comfortable home offering unconditional . If children and young people don't receive appropriate care, they won't develop healthily which will cause low .
        5. has a serious physical, intellectual, social and emotional effect on children and young people. This will contribute to the development of the individual's as well as causing physical harm.
        6. If it is thought that children are suffering , schools and education settings have a duty to protect them and promote their well-being by them using recognised child protection procedures.
        7. Abuse can sometimes extend from child abuse to then becoming young children abusing themselves with .
        8. Regular drug abuse can lead to severe addiction which will be hard to control.
        9. If children and young people are not , they will not have opportunities to develop and learn to their full potential. Without education, they will be unable to prepare for the world of work. This in turn can cause , ill health and low self-confidence.
        10. Every household needs money to be able to live, develop healthily and succeed. Without money, children and young people will not have access to to grow healthily which will then affect their physical well-being.
        11. Access to and will be limited, affecting the child's social development.
        12. Forms of can vary within families/carers and this can affect well-being. If there is no consistency within the family/carers e.g. a divorce or an adult joining the family/carers and taking the role of stepfather, children may feel in the situation and think they're being left out.
        13. This can affect the child and make them appear and fall behind in development. Family/carers behaviour also varies.
        14. has a significant effect on the present and future success of children and young people; socially, educationally and when they are in employment.

        Correct answers

        1. If the environment is not safe, this can affect children and their families/carers and cause harm.
        2. Without a safe environment in which to play and spend time, children will not be able to learn by exploring and investigating.
        3. Children and young people's basic care needs include food, sleep, clothes, a home, fresh air, love and stimulation.
        4. They need a comfortable home offering unconditional love and stimulation. If children and young people don't receive appropriate care, they won't develop healthily which will cause low self-esteem
        5. Abuse has a serious physical, intellectual, social and emotional effect on children and young people. This will contribute to the development of the individual's well-being as well as causing physical harm.
        6. If it is thought that children are suffering domestic abuse, schools and education settings have a duty to protect them and promote their well-being by referring them using recognised child protection procedures.
        7. Abuse can sometimes extend from child abuse to then becoming young children abusing themselves with alcohol and drugs
        8. Regular drug abuse can lead to severe physical and psychological addiction which will be hard to control.
        9. If children and young people are not stimulated, they will not have opportunities to develop and learn to their full potential. Without education, they will be unable to prepare for the world of work. This in turn can cause poverty, ill health and low self-confidence.
        10. Every household needs money to be able to live, develop healthily and succeed. Without money, children and young people will not have access to nutritious food to grow healthily which will then affect their physical well-being.
        11. Access to transportand leisure activities will be limited, affecting the child's social development.
        12. Forms of raising children can vary within families/carers and this can affect well-being. If there is no consistency within the family/carers e.g. a divorce or an adult joining the family/carers and taking the role of stepfather, children may feel insecure in the situation and think they're being left out.
        13. This can affect the child and make them appear withdrawn and fall behind in development. Family/carers behaviour also varies.
        14. Behaviour has a significant effect on the present and future success of children and young people; socially, educationally and when they are in employment.
        domestic abuseAbuseinsecureraising childrenlove and stimulationwithdrawnstimulatedreferringbasic care needs leisure activitiesalcohol and drugsnutritious foodwell-beingenvironmentpovertytransportsafeself-esteem Behaviourphysical and psychological

        The importance of families/carers and significant others in the well-being of children

        Pwysigrwydd teuluoedd/gofalwyr ac eraill o ran llesiant plant


        The parents/carers are the child's first educators. They have more knowledge of the child than anyone else as well as an understanding of their abilities, their preferences and the care they need to meet their needs. Children and young people are seen to develop best when they have a positive relationship with their families/carers.

        Parents/carers and families/carers are integral to the well-being of children and young people. They are central to their lives and the well-being of the family/carers influences the well-being of the children. It's important that childcare workers support this relationship by sharing relevant information and cooperating in order to ensure the best possible results for the children. By sharing information they can recognise how the child behaves at home in comparison with the setting, and if there are problems at home that may affect the child's development of well-being. This information will contribute to childcare worker observations which should be shared with the parents/carers. Sharing information can ensure a speedy response to any aspect causing concern or difficulty.

        The natural attachment created between children and their families/carers is strong and the childcare worker needs to consider the consequences if this attachment changes. The attachment is not always present in families/carers and intervention is needed if there is a suspicion of danger to children and young people's welfare. If there is any difficulty due to health or education the child may be referred, with parental permission, to the relevant agency. In cases where the child is seen to be in danger of harm, parental permission is not required before intervening.

        Some children and young people have had traumatic experiences in their families/carers. Some will have experienced death whilst others will have had to be separated from their primary carers for reasons affecting well-being. As a result, they are referred to different professionals who try to help them but they have to learn to trust them. Article 20 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states 'Your right to receive care if you can't live with your own family'.

        Professionals and agencies need to work together to support and promote the well-being of children, young people and their families/carers. Specific agencies can intervene as follows to contribute to the well-being of children, whether at home or in care.

        Professionals / Agency Intervention type
        Health Visitor A trained nurse specialising in children's health promotion.
        Sure Start Supports families/carers with programmes such as parenting, healthy eating and learning through play.
        Flying Start Advice for 0-3-year-olds and their families/carers. The focus is on promoting social and emotional skills while
        Substitute care The child receives care if separated for periods from their primary carer.
        Respite care A child receives short-term care to give respite to the parents/carers.
        Hope House Offers assistance and emotional support to families/carers facing losing their unwell child.
        Speech and Language therapist Treats speech defects and disorders and encourages children to develop their communication skills.
        Key worker Provides support to a group of children or on a one-to-one basis according to their needs. Works closely with families/carers.
        Children in Wales A National Organisation offering guidance to organisations working with children, young people and their families/carers to meet their needs. They focus on poverty, rights, safeguarding, parenting, and a number of other issues.
        Police Respond to any cases where children /young people appear in need of protection.
        Local Safeguarding Children Board Responsible for protecting and promoting the well-being of children. A number of different agencies work together to protect children, e.g. the police, health board, education authority.

        Y rhieni/gofalwyr yw addysgwyr cyntaf y plentyn. Mae ganddynt fwy o wybodaeth amdanynt na neb arall yn ogystal â dealltwriaeth am eu gallu, eu hoffterau a’r gofal sydd angen arnynt i ateb eu hanghenion. Gwelir fod plant a phobl ifanc yn datblygu a dysgu orau pan mae ganddynt berthynas gadarnhaol gyda’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr.

        Mae rhieni/gofalwyr a theuluoedd/gofalwyr yn annatod wrth ystyried llesiant plant a phobl ifanc. Maent yn ganolog i’w bywyd ac mae llesiant y teulu/gofalwyr yn cael dylanwad ar lesiant y plant. Mae’n bwysig bod yr gweithwyr gofal plant yn cefnogi’r berthynas hon drwy rannu gwybodaeth berthnasol a chydweithio er mwyn sicrhau y canlyniadau gorau posib i’r plant. Drwy rannu gwybodaeth gellir adnabod sut mae’r plentyn yn ymddwyn gartref o gymharu â’r lleoliad, ac os oes yna broblemau yn y cartref all effeithio ar ddatblygiad llesiant y plentyn. Bydd y wybodaeth yma yn cyfrannu at arsylwadau’r gweithwyr gofal plant a dylid eu rhannu gyda’r rhieni/gofalwyr. Trwy rannu gwybodaeth gellir sicrhau ymateb cyflym i unrhyw agwedd sydd yn peri gofid neu anhawster.

        Mae’r ymlyniad naturiol sydd yn cael ei greu rhwng plant a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr yn un cadarn ac mae angen i’r ymarferwr ystyried y canlyniadau os yw’r ymlyniad hwn yn newid. Nid yw’r ymlyniad hwn bob amser yn bresennol mewn teuluoedd/gofalwyr ac mae angen ymyrryd os oes amheuaeth bod llesiant plant a phobl ifanc mewn perygl. Os oes unrhyw anhawster oblegid iechyd neu addysg gellir cyfeirio’r plentyn, gyda chaniatâd y rhieni/gofalwyr, at yr asiantaeth berthnasol. Mewn achosion lle gwelir fod y plentyn mewn perygl o niwed nid oes rhaid cael caniatâd gan rieni/gofalwyr cyn ymyrryd.

        Mae rhai plant a phobl ifanc wedi cael profiadau trawmatig o fewn eu teuluoedd/gofalwyr. Bydd rhai wedi profi marwolaeth tra bod eraill wedi gorfod cael eu gwahanu oddi wrth eu prif ofalwyr am resymau sy’n effeithio ar lesiant. Yn sgil hyn maent yn cael eu cyfeirio at wahanol bobl broffesiynol sydd yn ceisio eu helpu ond mae’n rhaid iddynt ddysgu i ymddiried yn y rhain. Mae Erthygl 20 yng Nghonfensiwn y Cenhedloedd Unedig ar Hawliau’r Plentyn yn datgan ‘Eich hawl i dderbyn gofal os nad ydych yn gallu byw â’ch teulu/gofalwyr eich hun’.

        Mae angen i bobl broffesiynol ac asiantaethau weithio gyda’i gilydd er mwyn cefnogi a hyrwyddo llesiant plant, pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr. Mae asiantaethau penodol yn gallu ymyrryd fel a ganlyn gan gyfrannu tuag at lesiant plant, boed hynny yn y cartref neu mewn gofal.

        Pobl Broffesiynol/ Asiantaeth Math o ymyrraeth
        Ymwelydd Iechyd Nyrs wedi’i hyfforddi sydd yn arbenigo mewn hyrwyddo iechyd plant.
        Cychwyn Cadarn Rhoi cymorth i deuluoedd/gofalwyr gyda rhaglenni megis rhianta, bwyta’n iach a dysgu trwy chwarae.
        Dechrau’n Deg Darparu cyngor i blant 0-3 oed a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr. Mae’n canolbwyntio ar hyrwyddo sgiliau cymdeithasol ac emosiynol gan adnabod anghenion teuluoedd/gofalwyr.
        Gofal dirprwyol Mae’r plentyn yn derbyn gofal os caiff ei wahanu am gyfnodau oddi wrth ei brif ofalwr.
        Gofal seibiant Plentyn yn derbyn gofal tymor byr er mwyn i’r rhieni/gofalwyr gael seibiant.
        Tŷ Gobaith Cynnig cymorth a chefnogaeth emosiynol i deuluoedd/gofalwyr sy’n wynebu colli eu plentyn sâl.
        Therapydd iaith a lleferydd Yn trin diffygion ac anhwylderau lleferydd ac yn annog plant i ddatblygu eu sgiliau cyfathrebu.
        Gweithiwr allweddol Darparu cefnogaeth i grŵp o blant neu ar sail un i un yn ddibynnol ar eu hanghenion. Gweithio’n agos gyda theuluoedd/gofalwyr.
        Plant yng Nghymru Sefydliad Cenedlaethol sydd yn cynnig arweiniad i sefydliadau sy’n gweithio gyda phlant, pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd/gofalwyr er mwyn cwrdd â’u hanghenion. Maent yn canolbwyntio ar dlodi, hawliau, diogelu, rhianta, a nifer o faterion eraill.
        Heddlu Yn ymateb i unrhyw achosion ble gwelir bod plant /pobl ifanc angen eu diogelu.
        Bwrdd Lleol Diogelu Plant Mae’n gyfrifol am ddiogelu a hybu lles plant. Mae nifer o asiantaethau gwahanol yn gweithio gyda’i gilydd i ddiogelu plant, e.e. yr heddlu, bwrdd iechyd, awdurdod addysg.

        The importance of families/carers and others to the well-being of children

        Drag the ‘Professionals/ Agency’ in the left-hand column to correspond to the correct ‘Intervention type’ in the right-hand column.

        Pwysigrwydd teuluoedd/gofalwyr ac eraill o ran llesiant plant

        Llusgwch y ‘Pobl Broffesiynol/ Asiantaeth’ yn y golofn ar y chwith er mwyn cydfynd gyda’r ‘Math o ymyrraeth’ cywir sydd yn y golofn ar y dde.


        Professionals/ Agency

        Pobl Broffesiynol/ Asiantaeth

        Intervention type

        Math o ymyrraeth

        Correct answers

        Atebion cywir

              Ways of working that support well-being and inclusion

              Ffyrdd o weithio sy’n cefnogi llesiant a chynhwysiant


              Nursery nurse

              The childcare worker has a duty to ensure that they support well-being and inclusion when working with children and young people.

              The childcare worker must promote the good health of children and young people, take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection and act appropriately when they are unwell. There should be a procedure in place that can give information to families/carers e.g. inform them if infectious diseases are around. Exercise activities should be undertaken regularly and the benefits of active play within the setting and outside should be discussed. It's important to discuss hand hygiene and practise the routine regularly so that children understand that doing this supports hygiene and prevents cross-infection. It must be understood that children and young people need balanced nutrition to meet their growth and development needs.

              Planning and provision of a safe environment is needed to promote children's learning. Children with specific needs should be able to gain full access to the activities offered. Children must be given opportunities to take risks, solve problems and make decisions in order to develop independently. If given the opportunity to explore, they will learn how to deal with dangers in daily life so they can develop to become safe adults. In order to ensure a safe environment, daily safety checks should be conducted at the setting; both inside and out. It must be ensured that suitable adults care for children / young people, or that a parent/carer who has unsupervised access is suitable to do so.

              The childcare worker should prepare an environment within the work setting that supports and expands the children's development and education. It's essential that all children have access to a stimulating environment that allows learning to happen in an exciting and challenging way. Children should be encouraged to actively participate in their learning by offering their own suggestions and ideas. Praising and encouraging children's efforts will develop their confidence and self-esteem. A caring environment needs to be provided that gives children and their families/carers opportunities to offer responses; this will give them the feeling that they are valued and respected.

              Behaviour management for children and young people needs to be effective and suitable for their development stage and specific individual needs. Children and young people who develop well socially and emotionally at a very young age are more likely to make friends, settle well at school and understand how to behave appropriately in various situations.

              Positive behaviour can be encouraged in children and young people by:

              • providing exciting opportunities
              • developing a strong relationship
              • having a consistent routine
              • finding out about changes in the child's life
              • finding out if the child is hungry or tired.

              Through this, they will develop strong self-esteem and a sense of self-worth, as well as a sense of empathy towards others.

              Mae dyletswydd gan yr ymarferwr i sicrhau eu bod yn cefnogi llesiant a chynhwysiant wrth weithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc.

              Rhaid i’r ymarferwr hyrwyddo iechyd da plant a phobl ifanc, cymryd camau angenrheidiol i atal lledaeniad haint ac i weithredu’n briodol pan fyddant yn sâl. Dylai fod trefn mewn lle sy’n gallu rhoi gwybodaeth i deuluoedd/gofalwyr e.e. eu hysbysu os oes clefydau heintus yn bodoli. Dylid ymgymryd mewn gweithgareddau ymarfer corff yn rheolaidd a thrafod manteision o chwarae egnïol o fewn y lleoliad a thu allan. Mae’n bwysig trafod hylendid dwylo gan arfer y drefn yn rheolaidd fel bod plant yn deall bod y weithred hon yn cefnogi hylendid ac atal croes-heintiad. Mae angen deall bod plant a phobl ifanc angen maeth cytbwys i ateb eu hanghenion tyfiant a datblygiad.

              Mae angen cynllunio a darparu amgylchedd diogel sy’n hyrwyddo dysgu plant. Dylai plant ag anghenion penodol fedru cael mynediad llawn i’r gweithgareddau a gynigir. Rhaid rhoi cyfleoedd i blant gymryd risgiau, datrys problemau a gwneud penderfyniadau er mwyn datblygu’n annibynnol. Os cant gyfle i archwilio byddant yn dysgu sut i ymdrin â pheryglon o ddydd i ddydd fel y gallant ddatblygu i fod yn oedolion diogel. Er mwyn sicrhau amgylchedd diogel dylid cynnal gwiriadau diogelwch yn ddyddiol yn y lleoliad; tu mewn a thu allan. Rhaid sicrhau bod oedolion addas yn gofalu ar ôl plant /pobl ifanc, neu fod rhiant/gofalwr sydd â mynediad atynt heb oruchwyliaeth, yn addas i wneud hynny.

              Dylai’r ymarferwr baratoi amgylchedd o fewn y lleoliad gwaith sy’n cefnogi ac ehangu datblygiad ac addysg y plant. Mae'n hanfodol bod gan bob plentyn fynediad i amgylchedd symbylol sy’n caniatáu dysgu i ddigwydd mewn ffordd gyffrous a heriol. Dylid annog plant i gymryd rhan weithredol yn eu dysgu trwy gynnig awgrymiadau a syniadau eu hunain. Bydd canmol ac annog ymdrechion plant yn datblygu eu hyder a’uhunan-barch. Mae angen darparu amgylchedd gofalgar sy’n rhoi cyfleoedd i blant adu?? teuluoedd/gofalwyr gynnig ymatebion; bydd hyn yn rhoi’r teimlad iddynt eu bod yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi a’u parchu.

              Mae angen rheoli ymddygiad plant a phobl ifanc yn effeithiol ac mewn modd sy’n addas ar gyfer eu cam datblygiad a’u hanghenion unigol penodol. Y mae plant a phobl ifanc sy’n datblygu’n dda yn gymdeithasol ac yn emosiynol yn ifanc iawn yn fwy tebygol o wneud ffrindiau, setlo’n dda yn yr ysgol a deall sut i ymddwyn yn briodol mewn sefyllfaoedd amrywiol.

              Gallwch annog ymddygiad positif gyda phlant a phobl ifanc trwy:

              • ddarparu cyfleoedd cyffrous
              • datblygu perthynas gref
              • cael trefn gyson
              • canfod a oes newidiadau ym mywyd y plentyn
              • canfod a yw’r plentyn yn llwglyd neu wedi blino.

              Trwy hyn byddant yn datblygu hunan-barch cryf ac ymdeimlad o hunan-werth a hefyd ymdeimlad o empathi tuag at eraill.

              Ways of working that support well-being and inclusion

              Mark by dragging over the words of your choice in both paragraphs that show how to support well-being and inclusion.

              Ffyrdd o weithio sy’n cefnogi llesiant a chynhwysiant

              Marciwch trwy lusgo dros y geiriau o’ch dewis yn y ddau baragraff sy’n dangos sut mae cefnogi llesiant a chynhwysiant.


              • The childcare worker must promote the good health of children and young people, take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection and act appropriately when they are unwell. There should be a procedure in place that can give information to families/carers e.g. inform them if infectious diseases are around. Exercise activities should be undertaken regularly and the benefits of active play within the setting and outside should be discussed. It's important to discuss hand hygiene and practise the routine regularly so that children understand that doing this supports hygiene and prevents cross-infection. It must be understood that children and young people need balanced nutrition to meet their growth and development needs.
              • Planning and provision of a safe environment is needed to promote children's learning. Children with specific needs should be able to gain full access to the activities offered. Children must be given opportunities to take risks, solve problems and make decisions in order to develop independently. If given the opportunity to explore, they will learn how to deal with dangers in daily life so they can develop to become safe adults. In order to ensure a safe environment, daily safety checks should be conducted at the setting; both inside and out. It must be ensured that suitable adults care for children /young people, or that a parent/carer who has unsupervised access is suitable to do so.
              • Rhaid i’r ymarferwr hyrwyddo iechyd da plant a phobl ifanc, cymryd camau angenrheidiol i atal lledaeniad haint ac i weithredu’n briodol pan fyddant yn sâl. Dylai fod trefn mewn lle sy’n gallu rhoi gwybodaeth i deuluoedd/gofalwyr e.e. eu hysbysu os oes clefydau heintus yn bodoli. Dylid ymgymryd mewn gweithgareddau ymarfer corff yn rheolaidd a thrafod manteision o chwarae egnïol o fewn y lleoliad a thu allan. Mae’n bwysig trafod hylendid dwylo gan arfer y drefn yn rheolaidd fel bod plant yn deall bod y weithred hon yn cefnogi hylendid ac atal croes-heintiad. Mae angen deall bod plant a phobl ifanc angen maeth cytbwys i ateb eu hanghenion tyfiant a datblygiad.
              • Mae angen cynllunio a darparu amgylchedd diogel sy’n hyrwyddo dysgu plant. Dylai plant ag anghenion penodol fedru cael mynediad llawn i’r gweithgareddau a gynigir. Rhaid rhoi cyfleoedd i blant gymryd risgiau, datrys problemau a gwneud penderfyniadau er mwyn datblygu’n annibynnol. Os cant gyfle i archwilio byddant yn dysgu sut i ymdrin â pheryglon o ddydd i ddydd fel y gallant ddatblygu i fod yn oedolion diogel. Er mwyn sicrhau amgylchedd diogel dylid cynnal gwiriadau diogelwch yn ddyddiol yn y lleoliad; tu mewn a thu allan. Rhaid sicrhau bod oedolion addas yn gofalu ar ôl plant /pobl ifanc, neu fod rhiant/gofalwr sydd â mynediad atynt heb oruchwyliaeth, yn addas i wneud hynny.
              • The childcare worker must promote the good health of children and young people, take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection and act appropriately when they are unwell. There should be a procedure in place that can give information to families/carers e.g. inform them if infectious diseases are around.Exercise activities should be undertaken regularly and the benefits of active play within the setting and outside should be discussed. It's important to discuss hand hygiene and practise the routine regularly so that children understand that doing this supports hygiene and prevents cross-infection. It must be understood that children and young people need balanced nutrition to meet their growth and development needs.
              • Planning and provision of a safe environment is needed to promote children's learning. Children with specific needs should be able to gain full access to the activities offered. Children must be given opportunities to take risks, solve problems and make decisions in order to develop independently. If given the opportunity to explore, they will learn how to deal with dangers in daily life so they can develop to become safe adults. In order to ensure a safe environment, daily safety checks should be conducted at the setting; both inside and out. It must be ensured that suitable adults care for children /young people, or that a parent/carer who has unsupervised access is suitable to do so.
              • Rhaid i’r ymarferwr hyrwyddo iechyd da plant a phobl ifanc, cymryd camau angenrheidiol i atal lledaeniad haint ac i weithredu’n briodol pan fyddant yn sâl. Dylai fod trefn mewn lle sy’n gallu rhoi gwybodaeth i deuluoedd/gofalwyr e.e. eu hysbysu os oes clefydau heintus yn bodoli. Dylid ymgymryd mewn gweithgareddau ymarfer corff yn rheolaidd a thrafod manteision o chwarae egnïol o fewn y lleoliad a thu allan. Mae’n bwysig trafod hylendid dwylo gan arfer y drefn yn rheolaidd fel bod plant yn deall bod y weithred hon yn cefnogi hylendid ac atal croes-heintiad. Mae angen deall bod plant a phobl ifanc angen maeth cytbwys i ateb eu hanghenion tyfiant a datblygiad.
              • Mae angen cynllunio a darparu amgylchedd diogel sy’n hyrwyddo dysgu plant. Dylai plant ag anghenion penodol fedru cael mynediad llawn i’r gweithgareddau a gynigir. Rhaid rhoi cyfleoedd i blant gymryd risgiau, datrys problemau a gwneud penderfyniadau er mwyn datblygu’n annibynnol. Os cant gyfle i archwilio byddant yn dysgu sut i ymdrin â pheryglon o ddydd i ddydd fel y gallant ddatblygu i fod yn oedolion diogel. Er mwyn sicrhau amgylchedd diogel dylid cynnal gwiriadau diogelwch yn ddyddiol yn y lleoliad; tu mewn a thu allan. Rhaid sicrhau bod oedolion addas yn gofalu ar ôl plant /pobl ifanc, neu fod rhiant/gofalwr sydd â mynediad atynt heb oruchwyliaeth, yn addas i wneud hynny.