Developing, playing and staying healthy – physically, mentally and emotionally

Dysgu, datblygu, chwarae ac aros yn iach – yn gorfforol, yn feddyliol ac yn emosiynol

Parallel play

Children need to develop their emotional, social, mental and physical well-being in a safe, caring and supportive environment which focuses on them as individuals. In order to support emotional and mental well-being, childcare workers need to ensure they form secure relationships with children and provide them with opportunities to talk about their feelings.

childcare workers can model this by talking about their own feelings and how they have overcome challenges. Another option is to talk about how characters in a book may feel in different situations. It is important to encourage and praise children for their efforts and their achievements, and to support them when things aren't going well.

In order to support physical well-being, children need a daily routine which includes sufficient rest and sleep. Rest and sleep allow the body to recover physically and mentally. It is important for children to take some responsibility for keeping themselves safe and healthy. childcare workers can encourage this by talking about the body and how it works, and supporting children to take care of their own health, for example teaching them to brush their teeth.

Children need fresh air and outdoor play opportunities. Fresh air provides energy and stimulates exercise. Being out in the sunshine helps the body to create vitamin D, which is important for creating healthy bones and teeth. Exploring the local area can encourage children to learn to travel to familiar places, for example walking to school or taking the bus from town. Children need to have strategies to protect themselves, for example knowing how to cross the road safely, or what to do when they are lost.

Children learn when they feel safe, are stimulated, challenged, and when they can engage well with others. Play provides all of these opportunities. When playing, children can explore their environment, practise their skills, explore their emotions, express their feelings, and link their home with their care setting. Children learn how other children behave and how to socialise if they have opportunities to play with other children. Active play can support the physical development of children, for example coordination and balance. It can also support mental health and the ability to deal with stress. In order to promote independence children also need to have opportunities to make their own decisions, for example choosing where they want to play.

Mae angen i blant ddatblygu eu lles emosiynol, cymdeithasol, meddyliol a chorfforol mewn amgylchedd diogel, gofalgar a chefnogol sy'n canolbwyntio arnynt fel unigolion. Er mwyn cefnogi lles emosiynol a meddyliol mae angen i gweithiwyr gofal plant sicrhau eu bod yn creu perthnasau cadarn gyda phlant, a rhoi cyfleoedd iddynt siarad am eu teimladau.

Gall gweithiwyr gofal plant fodelu hyn drwy siarad am eu teimladau eu hunain a sut maent wedi goresgyn heriau. Dewis arall yw siarad am sut y gallai cymeriadau mewn llyfr deimlo mewn sefyllfaoedd gwahanol. Mae’n bwysig annog a chanmol plant am eu hymdrechion a’u llwyddiannau, a’u cefnogi pan nad yw pethau’n mynd yn dda.

Er mwyn cefnogi lles corfforol mae angen trefn ddyddiol ar blant sy’n cynnwys digon o orffwys a chwsg. Mae gorffwys a chwsg yn caniatáu i’r corff adfer yn gorfforol ac yn feddyliol. Mae’n bwysig i blant gymryd rhywfaint o gyfrifoldeb am gadw eu hunain yn ddiogel ac yn iach. Gall gweithiwyr gofal plant annog hyn drwy siarad am y corff a sut mae’n gweithio, a chefnogi plant i ofalu am iechyd eu hunain, er enghraifft eu dysgu i frwsio eu dannedd.

Mae plant angen awyr iach a chyfleoedd chwarae yn yr ardal tu allan. Mae awyr iach yn rhoi egni ac yn symbylu ymarfer corff. Mae bod allan yn yr haul yn helpu’r corff i greu fitamin D, sy’n bwysig ar gyfer creu esgyrn a dannedd iach. Gall archwilio’r ardal leol annog plant i ddysgu teithio i lefydd cyfarwydd, er enghraifft cerdded i’r ysgol, neu deithio ar fws o’r dref. Mae angen i blant gael strategaethau i ddiogelu eu hunain, er enghraifft gwybod sut i groesi’r ffordd yn ddiogel, neu beth i’w wneud os ydynt ar goll.

Bydd plant yn dysgu pan fyddant yn teimlo'n ddiogel, yn cael eu hysgogi, eu herio, a phan fyddant yn gallu ymwneud yn dda ag eraill. Mae chwarae yn darparu'r holl gyfleoedd hyn. Wrth chwarae, gall plant archwilio eu hamgylchedd, ymarfer eu sgiliau, archwilio eu hemosiynau, mynegi eu teimladau, a chysylltu eu cartref â'u lleoliad gofal. Bydd plant yn dysgu sut mae plant eraill yn ymddwyn a sut i gymdeithasu os cânt gyfleoedd i chwarae â phlant eraill. Gall chwarae gweithredol gefnogi datblygiad corfforol plant, er enghraifft sgiliau cydlynu a chydbwysedd. Gall hefyd gefnogi iechyd meddwl a’r gallu i ddelio gyda straen. Er mwyn annog annibyniaeth mae angen i blant gael cyfleoedd i wneud penderfyniadau eu hunain, er enghraifft dewis ble maent eisiau chwarae.

Use the thought shower to note as many benefits of play for children as you can think of.

Defnyddiwch y gawod syniadau i nodi cynifer ag y gallwch o manteision chwarae i blant

What are the benefits of play for children? Note down your ideas on the diagram. Beth yw manteision chwarae i blant? Nodwch eich syniadau ar y diagram.

Suggested answers

  • discovery
  • experimentation
  • creating
  • concentration
  • expressing ideas
  • speech and language development
  • muscle development
  • learning how others behave
  • role play
  • sharing
  • using their imagination
  • collaboration with others
  • supporting self-confidence and self-esteem
  • improving physical and mental health
  • encourage independence.

Atebion posib

  • darganfod
  • arbrofi
  • creu
  • canolbwyntio
  • mynegi syniadau
  • datblygu iaith a lleferydd
  • datblygu cyhyrau
  • dysgu sut mae pobl eraill yn ymddwyn
  • chwarae rôl
  • rhannu
  • defnyddio’u dychymyg
  • cydweithio ag eraill
  • cefnogi hunanhyder a hunan-barch
  • gwella iechyd corfforol a meddyliol
  • annog annibyniaeth.

What are the benefits of play for children? Drag the words to the most suitable image.

Beth yw manteision chwarae i blant? Llusgwch y geiriau at y llun mwyaf amlwg.