Potential impact

Effeithiau posibl cael gofal a chymorth yn eu cartref eu hunain ar unigolion a'u teuluoedd/gofalwyr


There are many impacts on individuals and their families/carers who are in receipt of receiving care in their own home.


  • Individuals can live in the comfort of their own home surrounded by familiar objects.
  • Individuals can maintain relationships and continue to be part of the community.
  • Families can have peace of mind that their loved ones are being cared for.
  • Less pressure on family members to provide care can improve relationships.
  • Companionship may have been something that was lacking in an individual’s life. If they live alone, they may go for days without human contact. Having home-based care can alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness.
  • The individual will be offered the opportunity of support in order for them to engage in meaningful activities that can promote self-esteem and mental well-being.


  • There could be financial burden on the family for the cost of services that are required by the individual.
  • The individual may be in denial of the changes that are occurring feeling like they are losing control of their lives, become depressed over losing the ability to do certain things, feel they are failing their family due to not being able to carry out their role as a parent/partner etc.
  • Carers aren't around all of the time so the individual may feel isolated when they are alone.
  • Inconsistency in carers can result in the individual feeling that they are opening their home to strangers. Consistency is particularly important when staff are providing support with personal care.
  • Inconsistency in staffing can result in a delay in identification of changes in the individual, such as a change in behaviour as a result of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).

Mae llawer o effeithiau ar unigolion sy'n derbyn gofal yn eu cartrefi eu hunain, yn ogystal â'u teuluoedd/gofalwyr.


  • Gall unigolion fyw'n gysurus yn eu cartrefi eu hunain wedi'u hamgylchynu gan bethau cyfarwydd.
  • Gall unigolion gynnal cydberthnasau a pharhau i fod yn rhan o'r gymuned.
  • Gall teuluoedd gael tawelwch meddwl bod rhywun yn gofalu am eu hanwyliaid.
  • Gall llai o bwysau ar aelodau o'r teulu i ddarparu gofal wella cydberthnasau.
  • Mae'n bosibl bod yr unigolyn wedi gweld eisiau cwmni yn ei fywyd. Os yw'n byw ar ei ben ei hun, gall fynd am ddiwrnodau heb unrhyw gyswllt â pherson arall. Gall gofal yn y cartref ei helpu i deimlo'n llai ynysig ac unig.
  • Bydd yr unigolyn yn cael cynnig cymorth er mwyn iddo gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau ystyrlon sy'n gallu hyrwyddo hunan-barch a llesiant meddyliol.


  • Gallai'r gost am y gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen ar yr unigolyn roi baich ariannol ar y teulu.
  • Efallai y bydd yr unigolyn yn gwrthod derbyn y newidiadau sy'n digwydd, gan deimlo ei fod yn colli rheolaeth dros ei fywyd. Gall fynd i deimlo'n isel am golli'r gallu i wneud rhai pethau, a theimlo ei fod yn siomi ei deulu am nad yw'n gallu cyflawni ei rôl fel rhiant/partner ac ati.
  • Nid yw gofalwyr o gwmpas drwy'r amser felly gall yr unigolyn deimlo'n ynysig pan fydd ar ei ben ei hun.
  • Gall derbyn gofal gan amrywiaeth o aelodau o staff achosi i’r unigolyn deimlo fel bod llawer o ddieithriaid yn dod i’r tŷ. Mae cysondeb yn hynod o bwysig pan mae staff yn darparu cefnogaeth gyda gofal personol.
  • Gall derbyn gofal gan amrywiaeth o aelodau staff achosi oedi wrth sylwi ar unrhyw newidiadau yn yr unigolyn, megis newid yn ymddygiad yr unigolyn o ganlyniad heintiad y llwybr wrinol (UTI).

Ways of working that minimise negative impacts on individuals and their families/carers

Ffyrdd o weithio sy'n lleihau effeithiau negyddol ar unigolion a'u teuluoedd/gofalwyr

Doctor on a home visit

Individuals may struggle to come to terms with the fact that they need homecare. They may worry about loss of independence, choice and privacy. In order to minimise any negative impact the care worker should:

  • involve the individual in planning care and making decisions relating to their care
  • ensure services support the aspirations, goals and priorities of the individual
  • agree expectations with the individual
  • encourage the individual to participate in tasks
  • have agreed policies about entering and leaving the individual’s home
  • always respect confidentiality and privacy
  • provide a reliable service that individuals and their carers can trust
  • respect the individual's cultural, religious and communication needs
  • avoid missing visits
  • provide a core team of carers to ensure consistency and support positive relationships.

Efallai y bydd unigolion yn ei chael hi'n anodd dod i delerau â'r ffaith bod angen gofal cartref arnynt. Efallai y byddant yn poeni am golli annibyniaeth, dewis a phreifatrwydd. Er mwyn lleihau unrhyw effaith negyddol, dylai'r gweithiwr gofal wneud y canlynol:

  • cynnwys yr unigolyn yn y broses o gynllunio gofal a gwneud penderfyniadau sy'n ymwneud â'i ofal
  • sicrhau bod gwasanaethau yn cefnogi dyheadau, nodau a blaenoriaethau'r unigolyn
  • cytuno ar ddisgwyliadau gyda'r unigolyn
  • annog yr unigolyn i gymryd rhan mewn tasgau
  • sicrhau bod polisïau cytûn ar waith ar gyfer mynd i mewn i gartref yr unigolyn a'i adael
  • parchu cyfrinachedd a phreifatrwydd bob amser
  • darparu gwasanaeth dibynadwy y gall unigolion a'u gofalwyr ymddiried ynddo
  • parchu anghenion diwylliannol, crefyddol a chyfathrebu'r unigolyn
  • osgoi colli ymweliadau
  • darparu tîm craidd o ofalwyr er mwyn sicrhau cysondeb a chefnogi perthnasau positif.

The importance of communication

Pwysigrwydd cyfathrebu


Responding promptly and sensitively to all requests for information or action

All home care workers should respond promptly to requests for information in order to ensure that the individual has all they need to be able to make informed decisions. It will also help build a level of trust between the service provider and the service user, if they know that their requests get a prompt response

Many individuals in need of homecare will be worried about the impact it will have on their lives, by ensuring that their requests are handled sensitively home care workers can minimise the impact the need for care has on the individual.

Asking questions to clarify needs and understand issues from the perspective of individuals and their families/carers

Individuals may find communication difficult. They may know what they want, but find it difficult to articulate those needs. It is important that home care workers allow the individual time to explain themselves using their preferred method of communication.

By repeating back to the individual in a clear and simple way what the home care worker thinks has been said can ensure that both parties are clear about what is expected.

Spending time to talk to the individual and their family/carers can ensure that the homecare worker is aware of any issues and can offer support to alleviate difficulties. It is important for the home care worker to show empathy when dealing with the individual and their family. They need to see things form their perspective so that they eliminate the risk of overlooking issues and ensure that everyone receives the care they require.

Seeking and acting on feedback from individuals, their families/carers, other professionals and workers

Reflective practice can enable the homecare worker to build on what went well and learn from the things that didn’t go so well. In order to examine their own performance it is important that they seek feedback from the individual and their family/carers and also work colleagues.

Feedback from the individual can ensure that the support being offered meets their needs, is effective and enables them to feel in control. This feedback both positive and negative is vital in order to ensure that the support being offered if appropriate for the individual.

Feedback from individuals who use the service and other professionals can also help identify areas for personal development, training and support.

Ymateb yn brydlon ac mewn modd sensitif i bob cais am wybodaeth neu gamau gweithredu

Dylai pob gweithiwr gofal cartref ymateb yn brydlon i geisiadau am wybodaeth er mwyn sicrhau bod gan yr unigolyn yr holl wybodaeth y mae ei hangen arno i allu gwneud penderfyniadau gwybodus. Bydd hefyd yn helpu i ennyn ymddiriedaeth rhwng y darparwr gwasanaethau a'r defnyddiwr os yw'n gwybod y bydd yn ymateb yn brydlon i'w geisiadau.

Bydd llawer o unigolion y mae angen gofal cartref arnynt yn bryderus am yr effaith y bydd yn ei chael ar eu bywydau. Drwy sicrhau yr ymdrinnir â'u ceisiadau mewn modd sensitif, gall gweithwyr gofal cartref leihau'r effaith y mae'r angen am ofal yn ei chael ar yr unigolyn.

Gofyn cwestiynau er mwyn gwneud anghenion yn glir a deall materion o safbwynt yr unigolion a'u teuluoedd/gofalwyr

Efallai y bydd unigolion yn ei chael hi'n anodd cyfathrebu. Efallai y byddant yn gwybod yr hyn maent ei eisiau, ond ei bod hi'n anodd iddynt gyfleu'r anghenion hynny. Mae'n bwysig bod gweithwyr gofal cartref yn caniatáu amser i'r unigolyn esbonio ei hun gan ddefnyddio’r dull cyfathrebu a ffefrir ganddo.

Drwy ailadrodd i'r unigolyn mewn ffordd glir a syml yr hyn y mae'r gweithiwr gofal cartref yn meddwl y dywedodd, gellir sicrhau bod y ddau ohonynt yn glir o ran yr hyn sy'n ddisgwyliedig.

Gall treulio amser yn siarad â'r unigolyn a'i deulu/gofalwyr sicrhau bod y gweithiwr gofal cartref yn ymwybodol o unrhyw faterion a'i fod yn gallu cynnig cymorth i oresgyn anawsterau. Mae'n bwysig bod y gweithiwr gofal cartref yn dangos empathi wrth ddelio â'r unigolyn a'i deulu. Mae angen iddo ystyried pethau o'u safbwynt nhw fel ei fod yn dileu'r risg o anwybyddu materion ac yn sicrhau bod pawb yn cael y gofal y mae ei angen arnynt.

Ceisio adborth gan unigolion, eu teuluoedd/gofalwyr a gweithwyr eraill, a gweithredu arno

Gall ymarfer myfyriol alluogi'r gweithiwr gofal cartref i adeiladu ar yr hyn a aeth yn dda a dysgu o'r pethau nad oeddent cystal. Er mwyn gwerthuso ei berfformiad ei hun, mae'n bwysig ei fod yn ceisio adborth gan yr unigolyn a'i deulu/gofalwyr yn ogystal â chydweithwyr.

Gall cael adborth gan yr unigolyn sicrhau bod y cymorth sy'n cael ei gynnig yn diwallu ei anghenion, ei fod yn effeithiol a'i fod yn ei alluogi i deimlo bod ganddo reolaeth. Mae'r adborth hwn, boed yn gadarnhaol neu'n negyddol, yn hanfodol er mwyn sicrhau bod y cymorth sy'n cael ei gynnig yn briodol ar gyfer yr unigolyn.

Gall adborth gan unigolion sy'n defnyddio'r gwasanaeth a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill hefyd helpu i nodi meysydd datblygu personol, hyfforddiant a chymorth.

How to handle request for tasks or activities outside of personal plans or remit

Sut i ymdrin â cheisiadau i weithwyr gyflawni tasgau neu weithgareddau y tu hwnt i gynlluniau personol neu eu rôl

Helping hand

Occasionally home care workers will be asked to carry out tasks or activities that are not recorded in the personal plan or are outside of their remit.

In such cases they should inform the individual and their family that the request is not within their remit and that they will refer the request to their line manager so that it can be added to the personal plan as a need.

If the worker feels that they lack the skills necessary to be able to deliver this new task or activity, they should request training so that they are prepared for when the personal plan is updated.

O bryd i'w gilydd, gofynnir i weithwyr gofal cartref gyflawni tasgau neu weithgareddau nad ydynt wedi'u cofnodi yn y cynllun personol neu sydd y tu hwnt i'w cylch gwaith.

Mewn achosion o'r fath, dylai'r gweithiwr gofal cartref roi gwybod i'r unigolyn a'i deulu nad yw'r cais yn ei gylch gwaith ac y bydd yn atgyfeirio'r cais at ei reolwr llinell fel y gellir ei ychwanegu at y cynllun personol fel un o'r anghenion.

Os bydd y gweithiwr yn teimlo nad oes ganddo'r sgiliau angenrheidiol i allu cyflawni'r dasg neu'r gweithgaredd newydd hwn, dylai ofyn am hyfforddiant fel ei fod yn barod pan gaiff y cynllun personol ei ddiweddaru.

How to deal with complaints and conflicts

Sut i ddelio â chwynion a gwrthdaro

Handling complaints

Employers will have a complaints procedure in place and this should be published on their website. The individual will have been informed of their rights to complain and how to do this during the implementation of the delivery plan.

The procedure for making a complaint should be simple to use and the individual should be supported to follow these procedures.

The individual should be provided with a named person who will be responsible for handling the complaint.

The complaint should be acknowledged within two working days.

All full investigation into the complaint should be concluded within 28 working days and the individual will receive a written response.

Whilst complaints will be dealt with promptly, fairly and sensitively, with due regard to the upset and worry that they can cause to both staff and the individual, they should be made aware that if they aren’t happy with the outcome of the investigation then they can complain to their local government ombudsman and/or Care Inspectorate Wales.

Handling distress

If a homecare worker is faced with a distressed individual or family member they should initially try to calm them down and try to understand what has caused the distress to ascertain whether steps could be taken to alleviate the distress. They should offer emotional support but ensure that the support is within their remit and that they are mindful of professional boundaries.

If a homecare worker is unsure how to handle a situation, they should contact their manager immediately.

The homecare worker should then record the information using the agreed communication system, explaining the cause of the distress and the actions taken. This should also be reported to their manager.

The worker should also consider their own well-being as situations such as this can impact their own mental health. They need to ensure that they talk to and get support from managers and colleagues in order to manage their own emotions.

Dealing with conflict

Employers should have a policy in place for dealing with conflicts and staff should be offered conflict resolution training.

When dealing with conflict, good communication skills are essential. It is important that the homecare worker remains calm and talks to the individuals concerned to ensure:

  • the issues are fully outlined
  • their emotions and concerns are acknowledged
  • the individuals feel comfortable to discuss their grievance
  • the situation can be de-escalated and the individuals can be calmed down
  • both parties understand that they will be helped to reach a resolution.

Everything should be recorded using the agreed communication system and if the homecare worker feels unable to help reach a resolution they should consult with their manager.

Delio â chwynion

Bydd gan gyflogwyr weithdrefn gwyno a ddylai fod wedi cael ei chyhoeddi ar eu gwefan. Bydd yr unigolyn wedi cael gwybod am ei hawl i gwyno a sut i wneud hyn pan oedd y cynllun cyflawni yn cael ei roi ar waith.

Dylai'r weithdrefn ar gyfer gwneud cwyn fod yn hawdd i'w defnyddio a dylai'r unigolyn gael ei gefnogi i ddilyn y weithdrefn hon.

Dylid rhoi gwybod i'r unigolyn pwy fydd yn gyfrifol am ddelio â'r gŵyn.

Dylid cydnabod y gŵyn o fewn dau ddiwrnod gwaith.

Dylid cwblhau ymchwiliad llawn i'r gŵyn o fewn 28 diwrnod gwaith a bydd yr unigolyn yn cael ymateb ysgrifenedig.

Er yr ymdrinnir â chwynion yn brydlon ac mewn modd teg a sensitif, gan roi sylw dyledus i'r gofid a'r pryder y gallant eu hachosi i'r staff a'r unigolyn, dylid rhoi gwybod i'r unigolyn ei fod yn gallu cwyno i'w ombwdsmon llywodraeth leol a/neu Arolygiaeth Gofal Cymru os na fydd yn fodlon ar ganlyniad yr ymchwiliad.

Ymdrin â gofid

Os bydd angen i weithiwr gofal cartref ddelio ag unigolyn neu aelod o'r teulu sy'n ofidus, dylai geisio eu tawelu yn y lle cyntaf a cheisio deall yr hyn sydd wedi ei achosi er mwyn gweld a ellid cymryd unrhyw gamau i'w helpu. Dylai gynnig cymorth emosiynol ond sicrhau bod y cymorth o fewn ei gylch gwaith, a dylai fod yn ymwybodol o ffiniau proffesiynol.

Os na fydd gweithiwr gofal cartref yn siŵr sut i ymdrin â sefyllfa, dylai gysylltu â'i reolwr ar unwaith.

Yna dylai'r gweithiwr gofal cartref gofnodi'r wybodaeth gan ddefnyddio'r system gyfathrebu y cytunwyd arni, ac esbonio'r rheswm dros y gofid a'r camau gweithredu a gymerwyd. Dylai roi gwybod i'w reolwr hefyd.

Dylai'r gweithiwr hefyd ystyried ei lesiant ei hun oherwydd gall sefyllfaoedd fel hyn effeithio ar ei iechyd meddwl ei hun. Bydd angen iddo sicrhau ei fod yn siarad â rheolwyr a chydweithwyr ac yn cael cymorth ganddynt er mwyn rheoli ei emosiynau ei hun.

Ymdrin â gwrthdaro

Dylai cyflogwyr sicrhau bod polisi ar waith ar gyfer ymdrin â gwrthdaro a dylid cynnig hyfforddiant datrys gwrthdaro i staff.

Wrth ymdrin â gwrthdaro, mae sgiliau cyfathrebu da yn hanfodol. Mae'n bwysig bod y gweithiwr gofal cartref yn pwyllo ac yn siarad â'r unigolion dan sylw er mwyn sicrhau'r canlynol:

  • bod y materion wedi'u hamlinellu'n llawn
  • bod eu hemosiynau a'u pryderon yn cael eu cydnabod
  • bod yr unigolion yn teimlo'n gyfforddus wrth drafod yr hyn sy'n eu poeni
  • y gellir tawelu'r sefyllfa a'r unigolion
  • bod y ddau dan sylw yn deall y byddant yn cael cymorth i ddatrys yr anghydfod.

Dylid cofnodi popeth gan ddefnyddio'r system gyfathrebu y cytunwyd arni ac os na fydd y gweithiwr gofal cartref yn teimlo y gall helpu i ddatrys y sefyllfa, dylai ymgynghori â'i reolwr.